Provides Inspiration Principles & Practices To Transform Your Life!
“Success is not accidental. It IS the result of the habits you cultivate, whether intentionally or by default. Every thought you think, every belief you reinforce, and every action you take moves you in a particular direction. The question is, ARE YOU moving toward your desired outcome OR drifting into circumstances you never intended? Your dominant thought […]
“Most people are completely unaware of how much control they actually have over their thoughts. They believe that whatever pops into their mind must be true, important, or worthy of attention. But this is the biggest illusion of all. Thoughts are just mental activity, like clouds passing through the sky, appearing and disappearing without […]
“Growth is not just about learning new things. It is also about unlearning old patterns that no longer serve you. From the moment a baby begins to sit up, crawl, and eventually walk, the process is not just about mastering movement but also about eliminating unnecessary actions. In the early stages, every motion is exaggerated, […]
“Small acts of kindness done consistently can make an incredible difference in spite of large acts of harm going on around it. A tiny drip can become a raging river because it’s consistent and persistent. Small at the beginning, but it creates its own momentum eventually. For unwelcome circumstances to prevail, it only requires that […]
“Learn from those who are what you want to be, do what you want to do and have what you want to have.
Here is an interesting thought.
Rich people seek and take advice from people who are richer than they are. Poor people seek and take advice from their friends who are as broke as they are.
If you want to be able to do something, anything, from being successful to being happy seek and take advice from those who are already experiencing what you want to be able to be, do or have. This is the beginning of being wise.
Seek the higher energy, the highest energy in making things happen.” Rex Sikes
Subscribe to Daily Inspiration and Gratitude! Visit often & please share with others!
“Welcome to Daily Inspiration & Gratitude!
Is your experience and life less than everything you had hoped and wanted it to be? Do you feel like you have lost your direction? Are their times when you wake up and dread getting up, going to work and facing your day? Do you feel like a robot going through the motions? Do you feel your life lacks meaning? Are you not having all the fun you want to have?
If your answer to any of these questions is yes then it is time for you to make a change. You have come to the right place. You shouldn’t have to experience life as unfulfilling when it can be quite wonderful. You don’t have to go through life feeling unsatisfied or unfulfilled. You can begin feel greater joy. You can discover your purpose and begin to experience all that a wonderful life has to offer.
I’m Rex Sikes, and I can help you get back on track. From the time I was small I felt like life was a struggle. I had hopes and dreams but was convinced that bad luck followed me wherever I went. I didn’t know how to make my dreams come true and felt stuck, stupid and alone as I watched others get what they wanted. I was unhappy for years. I was competitive and frequently envious. After years of searching and reading every self-help book I could get my hands on my life totally fell apart. I hit the very bottom.
But it was at the bottom I discovered the answer. From a disaster in my life I learned that there is no reason to continue life in an unhappy way. I learned a way to move from feeling down, angry and stuck to living powerfully and joyfully. I changed and so can you! You can change starting today. You can discover your purpose and feel better.
Whether your life is going really well or whether it is far less than you want it to be you can have more enjoyment than you may have ever imagined. You might not know that but you can! AND you deserve to! Life can be glorious.
I have a process to go about accomplishing it. What took me 25 years to discover, can be taught to you in a matter of weeks. I devoted my life from that moment on to finding all the best ways to make changes and to enjoy life. I have spent most of my time studying with ‘gurus’, attending live training and seminars, reading books, listening to tapes, watching videos and helping others by sharing what I learned.
I have been mentoring and guiding scores of people in private coaching session and workshops and seminars ever since. I am sharing what has transformed my life and countless others around the world right here with you.
But, first things first. Subscribe and follow my blog. Visit here daily.
This is a great place to begin and end your day with positive inspirational messages. This is a great place to fill your mind and being with thoughts, ideas and possibilities.
For this purpose I’ll be sharing pictures, sayings, articles, quotes & all things inspirational for you to enjoy and share with others. Many of these blog posts contain excerpts from the rough draft of my forthcoming book.
Use these thoughts and images to take inspiration from, to become motivated, and to learn and delight in some great insights. Some things you will already be familiar with and other things may be new to you.
All of us can enjoy seemingly magical results when we fill our minds and moments through our day with positive thoughts and feelings. This blog is designed for just this purpose. I’ll show you how.
‘We become what we think about most often’.
SO can you spare a moment right now to become more delighted? Will you invest your energy in your own self?
There are so many wonderful inspiring thoughts and actions and things to experience in this incredible world. Many people miss these because they are too caught up and busy. They are too engaged with what is wrong or going wrong to notice what is right.
I can show you how you can begin to think and feel differently. I’ll share with you how to gain control over those destructive things you say to yourself so that you get free. Then I will let you in on those things you can be saying instead and how you say them to get the best results. You can begin to feel all sorts of wonderful positive joyous feeling. You can awaken each day with a renewed sense of well being and much more delightful energy. Isn’t it marvelous?
There is so much to be thankful for. I wonder how many little things you could find right this moment to celebrate today? Did you know that when you do this regularly on a daily basis you can experience profound positive changes in your life? You can find new ways to think and be and feel that make life more wonderful.
SO look around! Most people don’t when they are feeling down or less than glorious. Many people don’t when everything is okay because they are caught up in their day to day routine.
When you begin to look around and notice who and what is around you, in your life you that can be grateful for AND you stop and appreciate these your life begins INSTANTLY to change. Doing this purposely and regularly will begin to make a great difference for you.
Isn’t it great? You can discover all the little things that are good and new in each moment. Here is another quick tip you can use that can be of immense help in transforming your present experience. You can use it right away and get some immediate positive results. Of course, over time when you get the knack of doing it you can really experience its effectiveness.
All you have to do is ask yourself, ‘What is good and new right now?’ Then look (really look around your life experience) and find out what you notice in the moment. Notice what is good and new. Then ask again. See how many things you can find that are actually good and new right now. IF you have never done this before deliberately you may want to stick with it a while to get good at it. Don’t give up.
When you first begin doing this you are deliberately looking in ways you don’t routinely look. It may seem foreign, or even silly. It might seem delightful and powerful. The point is you are deliberately looking for new thoughts to think and feel. You are taking an inventory in the present of what is good and new instead of what is the same that sucks. SO do it and keep doing it.
The more you ask this the easier it will be for you to discover many marvelous moments that make up your day. ‘What is good and new?’
You can accomplish anything when you set your mind on a positive course. If you keep at it and don’t give up you can become the person you want, do the things you feel important and have whatever you want to have in life.
The only person who can make that difference in your life is YOU. It would be truly sad if you don’t take the little time it takes to make your life so much better. If you do nothing about it nothing will change. For your life to change you must change some things in your life.
You are today where your thoughts have brought you. You will be tomorrow where your thoughts take you.
Use this blog to find that encouragement. Discover that life can be truly delightful. Stick with it, persist and make your dreams come true. You deserve to! Life is grand!
If you aren’t yet experiencing all the good things you hope to, if you aren’t yet the person you want to be – use this blog to help make these things come true for you. They can and they really will!
Fill your mind with positive good things every moment you can during your day and you will find life opening up to you.
Keep this important thought in your mind and it can transform you!
‘We become what we think about. A person is what they think about all day long’.
It’s already true. We are where our thoughts have brought us. If that is wonderful great! If you don’t like where you are – realize this – you can change your thoughts and have the future you want to have.
Remember this and be sure you are thinking what you want to think so you become the person you want to be. ‘We become what we think about most often.’
Take this to heart and keep it in the forefront of your mind to guide you to selecting the thoughts you want to think.
Follow, Subscribe and visit often. Share with others and transform yourself.
There is so much more that follows this page so stay tuned daily.” Rex Sikes
All pages and text COPYRIGHT © Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC 2014-2016. Images used with permission. Individual images, photographers and contributors retain their copyrights. No claims are made for these. Please respect all.
This Publisher has strived to be as accurate and complete as presenting the information within these pages. While all attempts have been made to verify information provided in this blo site publication and all individual blog posts and pages, the Publisher assumes no responsibility for errors omissions, or contrary interpretation of the subject matter herein.