“If you’ve ever felt stuck, overwhelmed, stressed, uncertain and struggled with doubt and fear regarding yourself and your future keep reading this blog. By the end of this article, you’ll have a powerful tool you can use daily to attract success, happiness, and prosperity. Read it through, absorb it, and put it into practice. This may just be the key to unlocking the life you truly desire. Most people don’t realize there’s a hidden, untapped power within.
It IS the ability of thoughts and words to shape reality. Whether you experience bliss or struggle, your internal dialogue is already creating your external world. Your brain is like a magnet, constantly drawing in what you focus on most. If you dwell on fear, doubt, and failure, you attract more of the same.
But if you harness the power of directed thought and positive affirmations, you can rewire your brain for success. The results can be astonishing, but most people never take advantage of this. You could discover the limitless power inside you, the infinite possibilities, opportunities and resources IF you’re ready to transform your life. Are you? Because this could be the secret you’ve been waiting for! Most never tap into it. Most don’t do it.
Your thoughts and words shape your reality! Your reality has been shaped all this while. This inset something new, it is ongoing in your life. The REALIZATION that thoughts affect your reality may be new, but that’s it. You ARE already creating and attracting everything whether you are experiencing bliss or badness. What you focus on, give energy to assert and declare or even mindlessly repeat to yourself affects your inner state.
It determines or affects your reaction to the outer world. What you repeat in your head shapes your reality more than you realize. I repeat, your mind is like a magnet attracting whatever you focus on the most! When you learn to use this power the right way the results can be astonishing. AGAIN, most people never do. The practice of saying powerful positive affirmations can transform your mindset, your emotions and even your circumstances.
If you’re ready to transform your life hit the button to subscribe to this blog for daily inspiration and gratitude. You might even decide to join me in my communities and programs. Okay, let’s begin this amazing and incredible journey. Why? Because this works! This practice rewires your brain. The most successful and happiest people swear by them. I’ll share words you can start using today that are powerful.
You might just be amazed at what happens. While this is simple to do, don’t let this simplicity fool you. These powerful statements have the potential to reshape your entire reality. Positive sentences that you repeat to yourself either silently in your mind or out loud are NOT just words. They’re declarations and assertions that reflect the kind person you are and the life you live. Again, whether wonderful or less-than-glorious.
They determine how you live, the person you want to become and the energy you attract. What you habitually say or think to yourself, your inner dialogue, your self-talk influences what you notice and perpetuate, and what you create or attract. SO, the practice of positive affirmations or positive self-talk, isn’t just feel-good self-help talk; it’s backed by neuroscience.
Studies have shown that repeated affirmations physically rewire the brain strengthening neural pathways associated with confidence, resilience, and goal achievement. How many times a day do you catch yourself thinking negative thoughts? Worse, how many times a day do you not realize you are thinking and speaking negatively?
If you think or say, entertain consciously or not, ‘this sucks. How come nothing ever works out for me. I’m not good enough. I’ll never succeed. I don’t know what I am going to do. I’m broke’ these thoughts silent or out loud shape your reality. Your mind believes what you tell it most often. Whatever you focus on expands. The more energy you give to negativity, the more it multiplies and reinforces itself.
But here’s the good news: you can break this cycle. Just as your mind can be conditioned for failure, it can also be trained for success. Positive affirmations rewire your subconscious and shift your inner dialogue from one of limitation to one of possibility. Instead of entertaining frustration, doubt, or fear, you begin feeding your mind hope, confidence, and strength. And once you make this shift, everything begins to change.
Because your mind believes what you tell it most often! You get what you focus on. What you think about you bring about. It expands. When you give attention and energy to these thoughts, positive or negative they multiple and affect your feelings and results. Positive affirmations help you break that cycle. Instead of entertaining doubt, frustration, anger and fear you start feeding it hope, possibilities, confidence and strength.
This happens because you repeatedly shift away from the negative and toward the positive. In shifting from the negative TO the positive you’ll begin to experience a profound transformation. It may be subtle at first, but it becomes more powerful the more you do it. The more you do the more you become capable of doing so little by little your self-talk becomes more encouraging and supportive and positive and powerful.
When your thoughts become positive your actions, and your results follow. Neuroscientists back this up. I write about neuroplasticity a lot. Your and my brains are incredibly adaptable. Our brains work better the more we use them. It truly is a use it or lose it phenomenon. Most importantly, they grow stronger with whatever you feed it. If you put in good positive nutritious thoughts, you reap those rewards and benefits.
Just as your body becomes healthy by eating healthy and through proper exercise and rest. If you eat junk food, never exercise and get little rest your body AND your brain suffers. If you are predominantly feeding yourself worry, doubt, fear, anger and negativity you will experience much more of that. Remember, what you do creates and attracts MORE of the SAME! PLEASE understand what this means.
The more you repeat a thought the stronger the neural pathways associated with that thought becomes! Negative or positive. I keep repeating this because so many people miss it when it is right in front of them. They filter it out. Positive affirmations and positive Directed Questions™ literally rewire your brain for positivity and the ability to notice opportunities, possibilities and resources to enjoy more of the good life has to offer.
If you consistently practice thinking and speaking positively, you’ll start building new mental habits that result in more confidence, optimism and positive belief in yourself. Affirmations activate the brain’s reward centers which trigger a sense of pleasure and motivation making it easier to take positive action in your life according to research published in the journal of Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience.
Further research published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology demonstrated that individuals who practiced daily affirmations showed a measurable increase in problem-solving ability under pressure compared to those who did not. This suggests that affirmations do more than just boost mood, they actively enhance cognitive performance and decision-making.
Another study from the Annual Review of Psychologyfound that affirmations contribute to greater emotional regulation and reduced cortisol levels, helping individuals navigate challenges with greater ease and resilience. Carnegie Mellon demonstrated that people who practiced positive self-talk were able to manage stress and remain calm under pressure. This is why I include this practice in all my programs, products and books. It WORKS!
A fascinating study in Nature Human Behaviour revealed that individuals who practiced self-affirmations before high-stress situations showed increased activity in the ventromedial prefrontal cortex, the part of the brain associated with self-valuation and emotional resilience. This means affirmations not only change how we think but also how our brain processes stress and challenges, allowing us to approach difficulties with greater confidence!
And with greater clarity. Your thoughts determine your reality. And when you change the way you think and talk to yourself, you change your life. Your self-image improves. You develop unshakable confidence. You start recognizing yourself as capable and powerful instead of being trapped by old limiting beliefs. You attract better people, notice new opportunities, and begin experiencing prosperity and success on a whole new level.
The cool part is as you practice positive assertions and declarations you begin to regularly notice real changes not just in your mind and your mood but in your life. Why? Because you’re no longer perpetuating the negative, the self-criticism, the defeatist thinking. So you become more resilient and can handle challenges with greater ease and optimism. Your self-image and esteem improve.
You finally begin to tap into and recognize yourself for who you truly are and what you are capable of accomplishing. You free yourself from the negative filters that have been holding you back. When you shift your mindset the world around you starts to shift too. Here’s the secret: affirmations are not just words. They are declarations that reinforce your identity and shape your future.
If you repeatedly affirm, ‘I am confident, successful, and resilient,’ you are not just making a statement, you are instructing your brain to become this version of yourself. And the brain, being the incredible, adaptable organ it is, responds accordingly. Not only are you better equipped to navigate difficulties when they arise, but you additionally attract better people into your life. Things being falling into place. You attract and create more good.
You discover more opportunities and can create and attract more prosperity because you are raising your vibration frequency and aligning congruently with your desires. So, you finally start creating a match to the life you desire and then seemingly suddenly everything starts falling into place. How do you practice positive affirmations the right way? An assertion is something absolutely true.
If you are 5’6 then by saying it you assert that is the case. ‘I am 5’6.’ There is no if, and, or, but. That is the case. ‘I am a male. I am a female. I am sitting in a chair.’ Get it? A declaration is an assertion that only a qualified person can make. For example, in court only the judge or jury by law can declare a defendant guilty or not. No one else has that authority. So, who is the authority within you?
If you assert and declare things that you don’t like and don’t want, because YOU ARE the authority you deem it to be. You declare things suck and that you’re not capable. Get it? YOU MUST understand this even if it doesn’t feel like it. YOU are the authority of yourself and your experience. Most people act as victims. So they whine, complain and blame and end up creating more of the same because they don’t understand we’re powerful.
On the other hand, if you begin to assert and declare what you want to include in your life and how it can be better you are the authority to assert and declare that. The issue is what have you been and are you asserting and declaring in your life from habit that IS creating the very things you don’t want. When you notice this, you can change this. You make the shift to develop a new and better habit that serves you.
Choose affirmations that resonate with you. Choose words and statements that reflect the person you want to become and the life you want to create. Be the authority. If you don’t feel you are then that is what you must first work on. Become the author and authority of yourself and your life! Endorse yourself. Edify yourself. Uplift yourself. Repeat them daily. Do it in the morning when you wake up and your mind is still most receptive.
You can write them out. Say them while driving. Repeat them in the mirror and anytime you can do it during your day and before bed. Say them out loud. Chant them, shout them, dance them, delight in them. Create powerful, positive feelings while saying them. Feel them fully. You can say them silently too but most often infuse them with positive, powerful, optimistic, joyful energy. If you want to be confident, shout them out confidently.
If you want more peace, speak them peacefully. Don’t just say words, feel them. Believe them. Imagine them being absolutely true. Assert and declare them. Imagine how you and your life is being the way you declare it to be. The more positive energy you put into this practice, the sooner you’ll start to feel their truth and notice the outer world reflecting your transformation within.
I can share scores of stories of my students who have transformed their lives and relationships, increased the health, wellbeing, happiness, wealth and success from doing as I prescribe. The benefits of doing this are enormous just as the costs of not doing this are incredibly high and debilitating. Start now. Speak to yourself to shape yourself and the life you live in positive wonderful ways.
Positive affirmations may seem simple, but their impact is powerful. Do this daily and you’ll start noticing changes. You will feel better. Your mood will lift. Confidence will grow. Life and circumstances will begin to align in ways you never expected. You’ll attract the right people into your life. Consistency and persistence are the key. You must repeat correctly, consistently, for long enough to rewire your brain.
Then these new thoughts become your new beliefs and habits. That’s when things really start changing for the better. Dabbling won’t do it. The cost of not doing this is high. Without directing your thoughts, you’ll drift, repeating old patterns and reinforcing past limitations. But when you take charge of your thinking, you take charge of your life.
I’m a brain trainer and by using powerful affirmations and Directed Questions™ a method far beyond traditional affirmations I’ve taught thousands of students how to reprogram their mindset. If you’re ready to master this process and truly transform your life, join my programs and learn how to do this the right way. Click the link below to start your journey. If you do nothing, nothing changes.
But if you commit to shifting your thoughts, everything can change. The power is already within you. Unlock it. If you want or need help join one of my programs to learn more and to develop Directed Questions™ properly. These are NOT just any questions, and they aren’t asked just to receive an answer but to promote awareness and positive changes in behavior unconsciously.
There is a particular method and manner to using this powerful process that I share for my students in my programs because it is useful to have proper guidance. If you want more, join me. Click the link below. Remember, if you do nothing, nothing changes. You’ll keep living from the same old habits and conditioning. For your life to change YOU must make some changes. Begin today. Affirm with power and positivity. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes
Act now! Join me and others. Click the link below. This amazing program helps you focus your mind, shift to the positive, overcome obstacles and limitations, solve problems more easily, eliminate stress, relax, become more creative, intuitive and connected to higher source to think, feel and act better to get the results you desire. You’ll love it!
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Infographic ©2024 Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC
Photograph ©2024 Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC
Blog Article ©2025 Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC
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