“You must focus and remain focused on WHAT YOU WANT in order to engage your unconscious mind (the servo-mechanism) to work on it for you
You must provide a clear image to the unconscious so it knows what you want it to do. This is why the power and focus of your conscious mind matters. You deliver the right message to your unconscious and then your unconscious works for you on what you want it to work on.
Your unconscious mind is already working. It IS always working but if you are not getting the results you want to get it is because you have not provided clear instructions for it to carry out.
If you aren’t getting the results you want it is because you are not sending it the clear message of what you want. It IS currently producing what you have been sending it. This is important to understand and act on if you want your life to change for the best…
Part 2
In order for your unconscious mind to work on what you want you have to give it a clear, definite picture and clear instructions of your ‘burning desire’. This is what you need to do every single day.
Stay focused and passionate about your goal, repeat what you wrote down out loud with lot’s of positive energy and enthusiasm at least twice a day. Adopt the attitude of expectation, believe you are going to get it.
If at first you find it difficult to believe 100% stick with the practice, there will come a time when you do fully believe it. This is important. Believe you will get it and you can get it. Believe that you won’t make it happen and it is nearly 100% certain you won’t.
You must remain constant and not waiver.
If one day you are focused on what you want and the next moment you are thinking about what you don’t want and then again back to what you want you, then what you don’t want you are sending confusing mixed messages. It is just as if you are commanding a pet dog to,”Stay, come here, stay, come here, don’t come, come, stay.” You can’t flip flop and get good, quick results.
You will get to the prize faster by staying on target with what you want and being definite about it. You will get to your destination when you think and feel and act in alignment with getting there. Do not lett the past or present things throw you off course. Stay strong, be of one mind.

For example, you may not have money to pay your bills.
When you worry about and think about how you don’t have the money and impending consequences does not help you get the money you want or need. You have to adopt a mental position of ‘whatever happens I will be okay, things always work out for me’ instead of worrying. This comes about with practice too!
Worry will only bring more worry. From a more confident, optimistic mindset you are more resourceful and have a better frame of mind to figure out how to get what you need.
The results you get back, how you feel, and your life and your being is filled with whatever predominantly occupies your mind most of the time each day.
In order to meet life’s challenges as you need to be thinking confidently and not frazzled, worried or frantic. Think about it. I will say it again: The results you get back, how you feel, and your life and your being is filled with whatever predominantly occupies your mind most of the time each day.
You become what you think about.

I hope you get it.
Keep in mind that I am sharing with you a life changing process. It is a process. The word process defined means ‘a series of actions or steps taken in order to achieve a particular end’. It functions through time. It is not an over night, instantaneous, magic pill but a method. For some, you will see results more quickly, for others it may take longer, regardless it will take some time.
Changing your life is not a competition so don’t be concerned with the time it takes be concerned with being dedicated to the process.
What may be difficult at first becomes easier the more you do it. You may have learned to eat by yourself, walk, ride a bike, read and write, drive a care, play a sport and countless other things that seemed difficult at first. So hang in there and you will get better and eventually master this process too. Just stick with it and never stop and you will make it happen.

You must be clear about you want and focused on it. You must concentrate on it over and over again and only on it. You must remain faithful to your goal and the results you want. You must ignore what you don’t want and favor what you do want.
You may include all the incredible things, small and large, from your present and accentuate these. You must keep going and not quit in order to get what you want. When you do these things you will discover your life changing along the way, but remember, it may not be evident at first.
Keep this in mind: what do you want? Do you want the results (your dreams/goal) in the future or do you what you have now? Whatever you focus on is what you will get more of. It is your decision. If you want your life to change for the better you are learning what you can do to make that happen. It is up to you to do it.” Rex Sikes
*I suggest you go back and read through these blogs again and again. You will discover things you missed when you read it the first time. What you missed was there all along but the person who goes back to read again has already been altered by life along the way.
You are not exactly the same person you were yesterday, a week ago, a month or years. You are changing. When you read something later you may bring a new awareness to it because you have new life experiences since the last time you visited. You understand things differently the second, third and forth time you read the same material. So Read, re-read, and implement. It is not the reading that will change you but what you put into practice from your new understandings.
Have a wonderful day! Imagine how much more marvelous you can make it.
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