“How can one achieve and sustain authentic intrinsic happiness? What a fascinating question. However, the premise is incorrect. We don’t achieve happiness, that’s a mistake we make. We are happiness! Look at the newborn. Happy is how they show up.
We learn to be unhappy. We learn to be unhappy from those around us as we grow up. Through non-verbal looks and sounds of disapproval, from statements that are made, and from the rewards and punishments we receive we learn unhappiness.
We’re all conditioned by well-intentioned authority figures, parents, care-givers, educators, media, and peers. Their words and actions, intentional and inadvertent, shape our thinking and experience. Other experiences help lock in the conditioning we’re exposed to.
Let Go Of What Limits You – Let Go Of What Limits You – Drop It
We become habituated to not being happy. We get media messages that if we buy certain things, to eliminate or enhance certain things about us we’ll be more successful and happy. We’re not enough as we are. We need products. We need to be fixed. We’re not right.
Wear the correct perfume, hair spray, the correct clothing and we’ll attract partners who make us happy. A trophy partner. If we have the best car, home, or career we’ll be happy. We have to have the right presentable image. We think. We are wrong.
We’re happy deep within but it’s masked by years of conditioned thinking, feeling and behaving. We don’t need to achieve happiness. We need to uncover our happiness. We need to release our inner happiness. We need to rediscover our happiness and our true selves.
Your First Priority Is To Rediscover Your True Self – Who You Are
We need to let go of the things that have prevented us from our inner happiness and well-being. We need to let go and drop the conditioning.” The rose exists to express beauty‘, stated Ernest Holmes. You were born to express the divine. You were born in bliss.
You were born to have a fabulous life. The only thing that prevents you is that conditioning. It’s what you believe about yourself. It’s what you believe is possible for you, or not. If you don’t believe you can re-acquaint yourself with inner bliss, it’s likely you won’t.
You only see what you already believe. Your beliefs rule. Your past conditioning, most of which you’re not even aware of, dictates what you do and don’t notice. Your conditioned thoughts, beliefs, and feelings dictate what you do and don’t.
Rediscover Your Inner Bliss – Your Inner Peace – Your Inner Love
They rule your circumstances. You should rule them instead! It requires becoming consciousness. It means becoming aware. Once aware you can change it. You need to become aware so you can let go and drop that which masks your happiness.
Decide to believe differently. Begin to live a divine, happy, successful, healthy love-filled life. Develop a spiritual attitude. Start believing it’s all good. There is more than enough. You are blessed. You are enough. You are wonderful. Activate your attitude.
If You Think You Can Or You Think You Can’t You Are Right
All problems are temporary. God, source, the universe is infinite supply. You deserve happiness, health, love and success. You are magnificent! Believe these because they are your truth. Never use your words to voice limitation or lack. Stop describing limitation.
Speak only to bless, heal, prosper, inspire and motivate. Put a guard before your tongue. Only describe things as blessings, as good, not as problems or bad. Say what you want it to be, not what it temporarily is. Declare it to be as you want! Command it.
Form the habit of seeing everything as wondrous. Consider everything a blessing. Live as if you have an incredible life. Develop faith that all is good. Everything ultimately works out for the best. See yourself as happy, healthy, successful, and loved.
Thoughts Become Things – It’s As You Believe It To Be
Learn everything IS divine. Know each moment as divine and magical. It’s either delightful or a needed lesson. It is, what it is. It’s all a blessing. Be thankful. Be grateful for every experience. Train your eyes and mind to always see the good in every person, event and situation. Do this. Transform. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes
“Mind Design is a game changer! It is the missing link between LOA, NLP, Hypnosis, Meditation, EFT & DHE. The support and feedback in the training is like nothing I’ve ever experienced before in 14 years of formal practice and 26 years of personal practice. You owe it to yourself and those you care about to look into this training!!” Tim Shay, Musician, Philidelphia, PA
“I’ve spent over 30 years seeking out the top experts in human performance. There is nothing I’ve found that comes close to Mind Design. It is the ultimate life enhancement experience!” Michael Halbfish, Lawyer, Bethlehem PA
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Infographic Image © Rex Sikes & RSE, LLC
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