“The loudest extravagant BS usually attracts those who like the loudest extravagant BS. Like moths to the flame. People who like roadkill. People hang with people like themselves more than they hang with people unlike themselves. We join groups or tribes.
Tribes are influenced together. Say it loud enough and long enough, even if it is a fabrication, with perhaps a spec of truth, and the lie will be substituted and remembered as truth. Today, people spread lies and inaccurate information very quickly. Memes flourish.
In social media your feed is limited. It is limiting you. In this corporate game of making everything a la carte while you benefit you also lose. You miss things others see because your selections limit you. It’s a powerful, purposeful way to divide the people.
You Get What You Focus On
The result in Social Media is you’re only allowed to see those whom you approve, who you select to receive notifications from AND from those, and only those, you engage with. You aren’t seeing 99 % of what else is on feed because of this. Their algorithms prevent more.
From day to day my feed changes little. It is basically the same people, the same or similar memes being repeated ad nauseam. It is most tiring. Do you like it? I prefer variety. I want to be challenged and exposed to thinking unlike my own. Don’t you?
We grow in experience by trying different things. We educate our palate by exposing it to different flavors. The same is true of our minds. I see the same repeated posts from the same people. Then I see the same thing from those who share the same posts.
Energy Flows Where Attention Goes
Don’t you find it boring? Yes, I want to engage with my friends. BUT I don’t want to only be part of a group think. I want to see the world in all its colors and scents and sights and sounds. I want to experience more not less. Don’t you? Or do you prefer only your group think?
To limit what you are exposed to. To make it so you don’t know what is fake or what is real. To keep you fighting among yourselves to the point you rid yourself of all who think differently is a way of indoctrination. It is a method of control. Create chaos and confusion.
I long for variety and get very little with this platform. I’ve sought so much more from social media platforms and have spoken about this since jumping on to these platforms. I want differences not just the same. While I may not agree with others I at least want the chance.
Give Yourself The Chance To See More Clearly
If all I see is my own group values reflected back to me there is little chance I will successfully interact with other groups or learn from other sources. Me thinks this may be on purpose. It is certainly the case by default. I don’t want to wear blinders. Do you?
I don’t want to act based on my blinders I want to see more clearly. I want to find accurate information. I want to discover people open and available to new and different ideas. Seeking accurate info is one and finding it is of the most difficult task we face.
It’s fraught with search engine pitfalls, consumerism, corporate and party buyout. Top search finds, the first 10 pages often are targeted by corporations and parties. It is very difficult to vet news stories and memes. You must be dedicated. You have to actually care!
Separate Yourself From The Herd – Become A Positive Leader
You must be committed to getting the pertinent and accurate ‘facts’. It is too arduous for most people who prefer not to be made uncomfortable. So only the very few truth seekers will bother. That is why we have the 1% in any endeavor. There is always a % who do!
Few will do the work many are required to do. 98 – 99% won’t. Those who do get the benefit. Those who don’t remain sheep. Aspire to more. Seek to enlighten yourself. Become aware. Wake up to the pitfalls and avoid them. Make it a point to go further than most. Do this in everything you do and you will see success. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes
“I’ve spent over 30 years seeking out the top experts in human performance. There is nothing I’ve found that comes close to Mind Design. It is the ultimate life enhancement experience!” Michael Halbfish, Lawyer, Bethlehem PA
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“I am so grateful to have found you on my journey Rex Sikes you are doing amazing things for this world.” – Brian Alexander Cross Fit Owner Entrepreneur Chicago IL
“Mind Design helps me choose amazing thinking instead of habitual thoughts that aren’t useful. I form new habits in thought and feeling that result in actions that get me my goals. The possibilities are endless.” Robert Bogsten, Marketing Copyrighter, Turku, Finland
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Infographic ©2019 Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment LLC
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