“I am antifa. I am anti-fascist. I am not part of any group BUT I am against these fascist forms of oppression as exemplified by the current administration. Tyranny, oligarchy, the pillaging of the people, the upward transfer of wealth from the wage slaves to the uber-rich, and the downward transfer of the burden to the taxpayer.
I am against fascism. I am against the big pharma charade, the medical and insurance ripoff that predatory capitalists force the public to accept. I am against racism and hate of any color, gender, religion et al, institutionalized or otherwise. I am against looting and arson, I am against automatic and semi-automatic guns used in mass shootings.
I am against the controls and deregulations of the current administration and the stacking of the courts in this country. I am against the death of democracy and the rape of this republic. I am against the GOP since Eisenhower, the last great republican, warned us to be wary and vigilant. Kennedy warned us too.
I am pro-people, pro-choice, pro, or for, the pursuit of life, liberty and happiness. I am pro-peace, love, acceptance and compassion. I am against the lies about the middle and poorer classes, the lies about welfare and voter fraud.
I am against the lies that people are lazy and want to game the system. I am against those who obstruct and obfuscate, lie, blame, excuse and whine. I am against over-inflated egos and incompetence. I am against our incompetent administration officers.
I am against corruption wherever it is found. I am against so-called religious people who are biased, hateful, hurtful and who have no tolerance or compassion. I am for the good samaritan and the people who rise to face whatever challenges this country and world. I’d prefer to follow Jesus’ example that the impeached president’s.
I am for those who seek goodness, kindness and positive solutions to make the world a better place. I am for the example of Jesus and against the examples of many so-called politicized profiteering evangelical TV leaders. Wolves in sheep’s clothing that deceive. Stop predators. Promote love.
I am against those who deny climate change and who waste, pollute and poison the planet. I am for those who care about our beautiful planet and seek to keep it that way. I am for freedom of expression as long it doesn’t harm. I am for clarity, positivity, and looking for solutions rather than problems. So, yes, I am Antifa. And I’m many other things.
I am against white supremacy, wealth supremacy, predatory capitalism, ignorance and institutional blindness. I am against criminals in politics, religion, finance, mortgage, medical and insurance industry, and everywhere else. I am for clarity, not confusion. I am for concise, clear plans, not chaos and deception. I am not for drinking bleach.
This is not an elegant description of what I am against and what I am for. It is simply a statement that LIVES matter. ALL lives matter. BLACK lives matter. I am against bad cops. I am against bad criminals. I am for good helpful police and citizens. The good and bad co-exist.
I prefer to promote the good and seek to change the bad. The way to do this is to become aware of the problem, see what needs to be changed, and then shift focus from the problem to the solution. Then work to implement it. There’s enough to do. I am for doing it and not wasting time.
We will get through all difficult times if we will unite, work together in harmony, with a common positive vision for the good we want to create.
We can fulfill our mission if we think of ourselves, and ALL PEOPLE, as in a boat, all facing in the same direction, oars in the water rowing together at the same time to get to the destination we agreed on and look forward to getting to.
Together we rise. Divided we fall. When we all come together as one team with a positive vision and a ‘WE CAN’ attitude, we can accomplish just about anything. We don’t have to settle for the bad. We can do better and create better.
Most importantly our challenges and problems are lessons to learn from. If we are wise we will use what is happening, the pandemic, the violence and looting, the needless murder of citizens by other citizens and by the police, the needless murder of police by citizens etc. as an indication that we can’t keep going the way we have been going.
We need some positive changes and new positive direction. It isn’t good enough to return to what was normal. We need to level up. We need to upgrade. The OLD ways had been perverted by profit-seekers and haters and those who have sought to divide us. There are those who have a ‘divide the pie’ mentality. They are afraid to share because they think they will lose. So they keep others down.
We need an abundance mentality. One that says we can create more pies. There is plenty for all. Heck, they print money whenever it serves their interest. Money isn’t the issue. Access to money is the issue. We live in a cartel-like world.
Equal access is the issue. Everyone can be better off if we decide everyone can be better off. If we only think about lack and what won’t work we will perpetuate the old broken wage-slave poverty versus wealth mentality THEY want us to continue to believe.
We all can have a better standard of living, health care for all, more love, compassion and understanding. We don’t have to settle for the lies we bought into for so long. If the old system collapses, good. As long as like the Phoenix we rise from the ashes new. Resurrection is possible.
We absolutely can rise again like the Phoenix once we decide to. I am for life, not death. I am for change and improvement for everyone. We can do this.
These problems, the pandemic and unrest, financial imbalance, lack of positive medical model for all, shows us what needs to be done. If we pay attention and don’t get stuck in the blame game. You can bet politicians will use circumstances to point fingers. Enough of the madness. Let’s put a stop to what holds us all back and keeps us divided.
Let’s get clear, clean and promote goodness and what we can do. Put a stop to excuses and blames, chaos and confusion, intolerance, hate and worse. Let’s create a new better normal because we can AND because we can we will, if we do it together. Let’s act and make this world a better place for ALL people and other living creatures.
We are experiencing birth pangs as a new way struggles to be born.
Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes
“Rex Sikes’ book Life On Your Terms is brilliant! It offers cutting-edge tools that take you to another level. It’s a practical manual with a fresh take on personal growth and transformation that’s infused with love, wisdom, and some truly innovative ideas. I am reading it daily and it’s changing my life. Not only do I feel a shift in consciousness but I have been waking up happier. This book offers hope to anyone who has lost their way in life.“ – Lydia Cornell, Actor ‘Too Close For Comfort.
Get the book. Change your life using the principles and practices. Check it out now if you like. Read it, enjoy it, and transform. Celebrate!
“Rex’s background as change agent, actor, magician, mentalist, communicator, performer, and survivor, makes him well practiced in the art of knowing the inner landscape of the human mind. In this book, he hands you the keys to unlock the magical kingdom within you. Not only do you receive the keys, codes, and passwords, you also get the full behind-the-scenes tour to know how to use them. You can now take charge of your own thinking and enjoy the abundant riches you are uniquely qualified to produce as you live life on your own terms.” – Paul R. Scheele, Ph.D

©2020 Cover Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC
Royalty free, public domain image used
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