“I love books. I’ve been reading powerful positive thought leader books since I was seven. Okay, my mom read them to me. By eleven I was reading them on my own. I read eastern and western philosophy, Napoleon Hill and other major influencers. Love them!
For about 40 years I’ve pointed this out. You can read every book on juggling and you will never become a juggler. You’ll know all about juggling BUT you aren’t a juggler until you correctly apply and practice what you learned while reading! Please understand this.
Knowing what to do and doing it correctly are different things! You can’t wish or read your way into changes, health or wealth. You must think it first correctly and then apply it correctly, repeatedly for long enough until you master it and it becomes a habit. Get it? I hope so!
Learn To Crush Manifesting And Skyrocket Abundance!
This is true of a personal emotional or mental change as well as a physical or behavioral change. Action is the proper fruit of knowledge. To know and not do is to not know. BUT the more you correctly practice and do, the more you become capable of doing
Skill grows through correct repetition. If you aren’t getting the results you want, check your thinking and feeling. This is the most important step. Then get your actions right. If you’re not changing as you’d like or getting positive results, you’re not doing something.
You are either doing something wrong or not doing something right. Get it? Too many don’t know how to implement what they read from books while others don’t even bother. They just read about it. Knowledge ONLY becomes power when it is applied. It is potential energy, but you need to use it to change yourself and circumstances! You can do anything you put your mind to BUT you must put your mind to it to change. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes
PS Read my book Life On Your Terms: Create The Life You Want to begin making your dreams come true! I show you so many positive ways to make your life work positively for you in wonderful ways you’ll wonder why you didn’t read and apply these much sooner!
Overcome difficulty. Skyrocket your abundance , success and happiness! It’s an important book to help you get through tough times and get better results! Stop losing out. Start living the life you deserve to live!
Read Life on Your Terms and make good things happen.
Available at Amazon in book or kindle. Get it today! Here’s the link:
“Rex Sikes is a walking inspiration. He inspires the inspirers, which is why I love the way he thinks, lives, and teaches. In this book, he deconstructs the myths of the law of attraction and makes it easier to understand how to apply it to your everyday thought process. It’s one thing to wish and want something, and another to apply these laws effectively, which really do work. Why do some people appear to have everything and end up having nothing, while others have the true inner-secret to love, success, (whatever that means to you) and inner peace? Joy is there to be ours, peace is there to be ours, blessings are there to be ours, it is all about focus and harnessing our thoughts, dreams, and desires by using Rex Sikes simple and effective techniques. You must understand to apply, let Rex be your guide and your life can change no matter what you’ve been through.” – Catherine Hickland Actor ‘One Life To Live’, Author, Hypnotist
Meet Catherine. She’s an amazing entertainer, actor, hypnotist, mentalist living in Vegas with husband Todd, who is Carrie Fisher’s brother. They do live events, and online shows. She’s an incredible person; an educator, influencer, and entrepreneur helping people create a good life, health and more wealth. Book or Kindle available at Amazon.

©2020 Cover Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC
Royalty free public domain photo used
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