“You don’t learn to walk by following rules. You learn by doing, and by falling over.” Richard Branson. It’s true. You didn’t follow rules. You didn’t ask permission. You didn’t read a book. You learned to walk by trial and error. You first moved and continued to. You persisted.
You over-exaggerated and learned to hone your movements by eliminating what isn’t necessary. You wobbled and bobbled but eventually grew steady. You didn’t know you were practicing. You didn’t know the concept. You just did, and kept doing, until you did it.
It was rehearsal. It’s similar to feeding yourself. At one time food ended up all over the place. You wildly swung your arms and hands. Food everywhere. Eventually, you learned to target your mouth. Eventually, you became successful. You did it and kept doing it.
Transform Your Thoughts & Create Your Best Life Ever
You eliminated movement you didn’t need. You didn’t even know you were eliminating it. You hadn’t read a book on how to feed yourself. You just attempted it and continued until successful. You wired in the connections necessary to do it by doing it. Get this!
All learning works this way. Except, since we learned to speak, we whine and complain. We make excuses and blames. We ask others to help. As a baby, and a toddler, you just did it. You kept doing it until you did it. Eventually, you got good at it. You succeeded. YOU did it.
You’d benefit greatly if you’d adopt this spirit and this understanding today. Action is the proper fruit of knowledge. If you want it enough, do what’s necessary to learn to do it. Learn from mistakes. You’ll be off-target, wobbly and bobbly, and making a mess sometimes. BUT
Transform Your Thoughts & Create Your Best Life Ever
Eventually, if you stick with it and drop all the complaints and whining, you’ll get there. You don’t even have to know how! You just have to know what you want or intend to do. Keep this in mind. You’ll figure it out. You’ll learn how as you go along. You’ll do it.
After you take the first steps you’ll get feedback. If you’re off course, adjust and continue. Keep going if you’re on target. You’ll figure it out without knowing that’s what you’re doing. Stop complaining. Persist in what you want to accomplish and accomplish it positively.
The better you think and feel the easier it becomes. The easier it is. I’m not saying it is easy, but it is simple. BUT not necessarily easy. It gets easier the more you do it. You make corrections to correctly do it. You do it repeatedly, consistently, long enough to form the habit.
Learn How To Manifest Good With Greater Ease And Less Effort
Once it’s a habit it is automatic and reliable. You don’t have to think or talk yourself through it. You just do it. This IS how it works if you want to manifest magic in your life. The Law of Attraction doesn’t change for you. You change. You learn manifestation by doing this.
You’re already manifesting everything, but you don’t know it. All your problems, troubles and good you are manifesting, but it’s haphazard and not aimed right. It’ likely you don’t know it or believe this, but you are. It’s time for you to learn to target it properly.
You begin manifesting good through trial and error. Sometimes, it works. Sometimes, you get results you don’t want. The truth is you also master manifestation through trial and error. You do it. Get feedback. Adjust and continue. Eventually, you get the hang of it.
Don’t Believe It? You Need To Change Your Thoughts & Beliefs
It’s like learning to walk or feed yourself. You eliminate what doesn’t contribute to manifesting the good you desire. You eliminate the negative efforts and results. You learn by doing. You make it habit. Then, manifesting good things becomes unconscious and reliable!
It begins with difficulty, but as you go through the mastery process you being to manifest without as much effort. It continues to gets easier and easier. Then, it becomes a steady, reliable and automatic skill. You can do it anytime and anywhere with anything! Get it?
If you want to hit the target you must aim at it in the same way you aimed at your mouth. You must know what you want and act to get it. Receive the feedback from the universe, adjust, continue and persist. Eventually, it pays off and you get it. You unlock the method.
Learn To Change Your Thoughts & Beliefs To Manifest Easily
You unleash your positive power to begin getting the results you intend to get through persistent, positive application. Instead of haphazardly getting mixed results you go through a deliberate learning process to hone the skills. You acquire skill along the way.
You eliminate what isn’t necessary and lock in what works. You stop creating negative messes and begin creating the good you desire. Since it’s always, already working you just need to master aiming your manifesting power in positive ways.
Then maintain that mindset and focus. This IS why you want to learn, to make it a habit of thinking right and feeling your best by being positive and grateful. Activate your attitude and take charge. Live life on your terms. Create your best life ever. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes
If you’d like my coaching and powerful programs to assist you to level-up tell me. Visit website at rexsikes.com. Claim free gift.
PS I share much, much more in Life On Your Terms
“This may be the wisest, more realistic, and most helpful book I’ve come across. I’ve been a self-help book addict for at least five decades, and I’ve read many of the greats. This is up there with the greats and maybe beyond. Besides extraordinary insights, the style is accessible and compelling. I loved LIFE ON YOUR TERMS. Buy it!” Mitzi Perdue, Author, Entrepreneur (Frank Perdue Chicken)
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©2020 Cover Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC
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