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that i do today imporves ur tomorrows

“Some days you just have to steer back to center more than usual. Challenges or less than glorious feelings may arise. It’s certainly easy to get caught up in them. Face it, you and I probably have been doing that for many years. Now’s the opportunity to do something new. Now’s the time to learn how to get back on track when we get swept off track.

When we drive along the road in our lane we are not going totally straight. We’re always adjusting the car (or bike) back to the center of the lane. We cannot drive perfectly straight. We move the steering wheel, sometimes ever so slightly, back and forth to keep us going as straight as possible.

In sailing the skipper takes the boat back and forth to stay in the wind. Adjustments are made to keep the sails full to continue to move forward. One cannot sail in a straight line, but one sets one’s course and navigates to it by this back and forth movement capturing the wind.

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Rocket guidance is a computerized system that corrects the rocket’s trajectory to keep on course. Adjustments are constantly being made to keep it heading in it’s intended direction. It’s been said that mostly the rocket IS of course most of the time, but since the destination is known, corrections are constantly made to get it there. (Soon, I’ll address the importance of knowing your destination).

These analogies of correction parallel our lives. There’s no such thing as a straight, easy way to happiness or success. We move towards what we want. Yet, there seem to be times when things go awry. As we move along there are stumbling blocks. We might complain that this is the case because there will always be down times for us.

Just as there is night and day, cold and hot, tall and short, there is good and bad. There’s always contrasts in our world to notice and experience. We simply need to get over that. There will be good times and there will be not-so-good times. Accept it! Since this IS the case there seems to be no point in complaining about it. To complain about it would be driving off course.

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To complain would be giving in to the less than glorious thoughts and feelings that limit us. It only makes us feel worse. So, we should not even go there. Good taste dictates we should avoid it. We have to face there will always be times that we don’t want, invite or enjoy. Still, this may not be a bad thing though. Obviously, it is if one thinks it is. Our perceptions do determine how things are.

Certainly, the statement, ‘Perception IS Everything’ leads one to conclude that what we perceive to be the case IS the case. Our thoughts make it so. If instead, we considered these random unwanted events as opportunities to discover something presently hidden, this very perception could open up a whole new way of being for us.

Yes, it means reframing the act, the event or the situation. It means actively seeking the silver lining instead of paying attention to the dark clouds. It means instead of thinking negatively about negative events we choose to think positive instead. Instead of feeling bad, choose to feel differently. It means we choose how to respond! We don’t have to blindly accept. We can choose.

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CHOICE! Ultimately we give ourselves room to choose how to respond, instead of being swept along with no choices available. When the world offers us moments contrary to what we want, hope for or expect, when we get things we don’t like and are difficult for us to handle THAT is the precise moment of opportunity.

Instead of thinking about it as something that sucks, CHOOSE to think about it as a hidden opportunity. I’m not claiming there’s any intelligence in the universe. Perhaps, there is divine providence. Perhaps, God is in charge. Perhaps, the universe has an infinite intelligence that we would be wise to align with but that’s not my concern right now.

I am not asserting any of that. Perhaps, there is, perhaps there isn’t, for my purpose here it doesn’t matter (even if ultimately it does). Whether by intelligent design or random freak accidents whatever the situation IN REALITY IS, I do not know. BUT I am aware HOWEVER I LABEL IT determines how I react to it. IF I don’t like it, maybe I should change the label I put on it.

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When bad things happen, whether small or large, when challenges come our way, after the initial shock, anger or disappointment, we would be best served to take a positive action instead of wallowing. Like thoughts bring like thoughts. To complain only invites more negativity. If we find the positive seed inside the disappointment, that positivity will bring more positivity too.

Of course, it all depends on you. Some people are comfortable feeling bad AND misery loves company. People love to commiserate. So ultimately, you determine what you make for yourself. WHATEVER THESE MOMENTS REALLY ARE when these moments come to us consider it as an opportune time to remember to steer back to center.

Declare it an opportunity for yourself whether it actually is or not. If you want to transform your life when life provides you an unwanted moment (small or large) change how you think and feel about it. Decide what you will make of it. ‘Perception is everything’. ‘Possession is 9/10s of the law’. When life hands you lemons, make lemonade’.

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Think positively, first and foremost, whenever you discover that you slipped. Take charge! Whenever you discover you have slipped choose to think a better thought. When should you do this? Whenever you find yourself thinking negatively about yourself, others, or the world at large. The first step, when we notice we are engaged in unwanted thinking and feeling, is to STOP.

Assuming you’re already practicing other things I’ve shared in my previous writings and programs, then use this when you’re thrown some curve ball from inside of you or from outside of you. If you think unproductive thoughts such as ‘I’ can’t succeed. I am hopeless.’ or ‘I am too thin, too small too fat. I can’t get ahead. The world sucks. I can’t get a promotion.’ Use it on any limiting thinking.

STOP DOING WHAT YOU ARE DOING and WHAT YOU WOULD NORMALLY BE DOING. KNOW THIS: whatever is going on will continue to go on unless YOU interrupt it. Negative thinking spirals into more negative thinking. Positive thinking spirals into more positive thinking. THIS IS THE NATURE OF THINKING! ONE THOUGHT LEADS TO ANOTHER SIMILAR THOUGHT PRODUCING FEELINGS.

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If your thinking is negative your feelings will be negative AND these feelings will affect your health and your behaviors and the results you get! We have to learn how to make positive thinking happen. That’s why I’ve said sometimes, you just have to take the bull by the horns and do whatever it take to get the positive machinery into motion. Choose and act. It’s up to you!

FOR WHATEVER THE REASONS most of us are pretty damn good at negative thinking. There’s a saying: ‘When the going gets tough you get what you practice.’ Most of us have spent our lives practicing negative thinking so we most readily and easily and reliably get that day in and day out. When unwanted events occur we get what we practiced. STOP! Stop the pattern. Interrupt it.

You don’t get new things do old things. Stop perpetuating the habits of thought leading to feelings, leading to behaviors. Stop the cycle. Don’t concern yourself with what was. Let it go. Relax and practice something better now instead. Stop finding fault or blame. That’s just adding gasoline to the fire. You were born. You grew up. Understand this. You learned to have your problems.

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You learned to do some things that aren’t always the best choice for you. So what? We all have. Let’s get on with it and move forward differently now and become who we want to be and doing what we want to do. Are you ready? IF YES, then whenever you find yourself thinking or feeling or behaving less than gloriously to an internal or external stimuli STOP! DISENGAGE!

YES! Actually STOP!  Disengage from the negative thinking and the negative feeling and break away from it. Create a space for a moment. Create a pause. Shift into neutral. Neutral is a good place because from neutral we can choose where to go. In our car, from neutral, we can decide whether to engage drive or reverse and determine where and how we travel.

Breathing helps us do this. Taking a deep breath and holding it helps us get to neutral. Taking a deep breath changes our rhythm, shifts our physiology and interrupts the processes. Take a few deep breaths to disengage. Take your time. Take as many as you need. SIGH. Let the breath out. Sigh. Shake it off. Walk around. Interrupt the negative flow. Create a break-state. Create PAUSE.

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When you recognize that moment you do not want STOP.  Take a deep breath. Hold it a second or two and then let it out slowly. Do this a few times until you are able to notice the benefit from the change in your breathing. Let out a ‘sigh.’ How loudly you sigh depends on where you are. We are intimately tied to our rhythms and our breathing. We have our own pace fast or slow.

We breathe as we do habitually SO a shift in breathing can lead to shifts in awareness. Our thinking and feelings are intimately connected to how we’re breathing. Remember, if you want to change your life you have to change things in your life. You have to change what you’re doing. So, stop and get into neutral. When you notice  that  ‘Arrrgh’ moment STOP take that deep breath.

Take those breaths and create that pause. Get into neutral and from neutral begin to scan in your mind for better thoughts. Scan you body for and better feelings. Look for the best that you have right now. If you really want to learn to do this and master it get into my MindDesign™ Program and the Ultimate NLP Home Study Course™. Let me coach and help you transform for the best.

Get the Attitude Activator™ today and start living the best life ever!

Look for positive memories and talents that you have in your past. Memories that make you feel good. Feel wellbeing. Feel positive, powerful and happy. Whatever you’re able to find. Remember those feelings fully and put your focus on them. Then feel what you feel as you remember these positive moments, these resourceful moments from your past. Stay with them.

Linger in the good thoughts and feelings. It is totally fine to linger in these. You can utilize Directed Questions™ which is one of the most powerful transformational methods you can use. You can  begin to ask yourself, what else can you feel that would feel better? What else can you think that would be more productive? What do you need to do in order to feel more positive right now?

What would be the best possible benefit for you, and others right now? Sometimes, you need to consider others positively too. What is good and new? How many wonderful feelings can you begin to feel now? Which good feeling will you discover first? And so on. Remember, you stop the old habit and take a breath. You take a break. You get to neutral.

Get the Attitude Activator™ today and start living the best life ever!

You shift your awareness from what was a problem and get into neutral.From neutral you begin to think what you can think and be, feel and do that is positive and good. You stop the negative. Get into neutral. Shift to the positive. When you do this you INTERRUPT your habit, you break a pattern of behavior and you chose to lead it into a more productive way of being and doing.

You steer it instead of letting it steer you. You’re interrupting your old habits to get free from them. Then you’re driving your attention and feelings to what you prefer instead. Hopefully, you prefer positive thoughts and feelings. You may have to do this more than once at first. Perhaps once, is plenty. You may have to do it a lot depending on the perceived severity of the issue. You must do it.

Get the Attitude Activator™ to help you install this process within you so it becomes a useful habit you master. Again, you must take charge and do it! It doesn’t matter whether you have to do it once or a lot. The point is that by doing it you are engineering a change. You are freeing yourself up from reacting without thinking. You’re using a moment to decide how you actually want to be.

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When you do this you ARE course correcting. You are learning to steer back to center. You are really taking charge of your own neurology. You are training your mind and your body. You are deciding what will be and what you will focus on instead of being a victim of it. You are forming a great habit to have. This is the incredible payoff!!! You are taking control!

You make your life and your experience and your moments more of what you want them to be! You write your history and create your legacy instead of it writing you. You determine how you will experience these moments. You go from victim to victor in seconds. You go from being the backseat passenger in your car to the driver of your car!

As the driver you are free to choose the destination and travel in that direction. Are challenges predestined, or ordained, or are they accidents and random? I don’t care! That is not the point of this discussion. They occur and that is enough reason to work with them. When you begin to practice what I have suggested you begin to get free from limitations.

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You begin to free yourself from habitual conditioning. You begin to create space to be a new you and behave in a new way. You begin to experience the world with more delight. Isn’t it important to feel the very best you can? Don’t you want to feel this way more of the time? Wouldn’t it be marvelous if you did?

If you thought yes to those questions then there are things you can do right now to be more of who you are. You can learn to do more of what you are capable of doing to get you the results you have always wanted. Isn’t it worth it to learn how to better direct your thoughts and feelings? If it took 10 years to have a most incredible life wouldn’t you work at it?

What if it didn’t take 10 years or 5 or even 1 year? What if in the next few months you could make an incredible difference for yourself that would aim you toward the best you and best life ever? Would you commit to those months? Try it for at least 30 days. That’s the minimum. If you could revolutionize your life for the better over the course of the next thirty days, would you?

Get the Attitude Activator™ today and start living the best life ever!

If you could revolutionize your life by thinking, feeling and acting differently, would you do it? Wouldn’t it be worth it? You’ll never know what could be until you attempt it. Anything worth doing is worth doing poorly at first. If you do anything well, drive a car, play an instrument or a sport, write or cook, chances are you sucked at it at first BUT you improved as long as you kept at it.

Anything worth doing well IS worth doing poorly at first. You can do this. You can really, truly do this. You can change yourself. You can change your behaviors. You can change your circumstances and the world. It may not happen overnight. It rarely ever does, but you can do it. You can make your dreams come true. That’s what the Attitude Activator™ and my programs do for you. Dive in.

Here is a recap:

NOTICE-  what you want to change. Become aware of it. Whenever a ‘Warning, DANGER Wil Robinson’ moment occurs, the very moment you become aware you are thinking less gloriously and feeling less gloriously than you want to you –

STOP– disengage by taking a deep breath. Hold it. Let it out slowly. Sigh. Repeat as necessary for a moment. As mentioned, shifting your breathing shifts your physiology. So, you may actually shift your body. Lift your chest up. Put your shoulders back. Put your chin up. Move around. Walk about. Take an actual break and move. If sitting, stand up. Move, or walk around.

How large your movements depend on the environment you are in. Obviously, do this when safe. Not while driving. This should go without saying but… You can do the mental process with your eyes open. Take a deep breath to interrupt the pattern and to –

GET TO NEUTRAL – enjoy neutral. Sigh. Hum. Whistle a happy tune. And from neutral you scan for resources by shifting your focus to the positive –

SHIFT YOUR FOCUS – and look for what’s good and new. Seek the best thoughts and feelings and memories to –

CONCENTRATE – Concentrate on, entertain, focus on the feelings and thoughts. Savor these and linger on these. Feel these good feelings as fully as you are able. Remember, what we focus on expands. We become what we think about. Linger and if you know how to, anchor these. Then –

CELEBRATE AND APPRECIATE yourself for noticing the triggering moments. Celebrate and appreciate looking for and finding the positive thoughts or feelings. Embrace these good feelings- linger, savor and then –

IMAGINE – yourself in the future doing this easily and naturally whenever you want to, need to and choose to because YOU ARE the kind of person who is able to do this naturally. See yourself as the person you want to be, already evolved. See this happy, healthy, positive you. Concentrate on this person and enjoy these feelings and the feelings of gratitude for who you are.

No rush, when ready continue with your day. Repeat as necessary.

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SO What are you waiting for? If you just had excuses come up, ‘its too hard, I don’t know how, I have tried things before, nothing ever works out for me’, then you provided excuses and those are the very thoughts you need to change. You can and you will when you give yourself permission to begin. On the other hand, if you thought, ‘yup, why not, let’s do it, bring it on!’ GO for it! Now.

Simply, stop and imagine how much more fun and delight you can discover yourself having when you’re feeling better more and more throughout each day. Wouldn’t it be amazing to discover that you’ve always had the ability to do this, but were just using it in the wrong direction? WOW that is good news! Imagine aiming it in a positive, powerful, productive direction for yourself.

Imagine how it can be positively different from now on. Wouldn’t that be awesome?

It’s similar to this: All the past many years you have been driving yourself to a less-than-glorious house. You can do it in your sleep. You know all the ways to get there. But now you have an incredible new mansion to live in. Driving doesn’t change, you already know how to do that, but the direction you take changes.

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It is not harder to drive. Nothing changes here. You just learn a new route. You have a new way to go. There may be sometime when driving you suddenly find yourself en route to the old house. When you notice it there’s no reason to get pissed off. Just stop. Change direction and proceed toward the new house.

Whenever you notice you’re going in the wrong direction celebrate and appreciate that you didn’t go further and that you noticed and were able to make the correction. Be glad. Soon you will be driving only the new route. Imagine how great it is to be living in that beautiful new home. Celebrate and be glad. In time you will know all the ways to the new home too.

It’s really just like this. Change the direction of your thinking and aim it at the positive. Focus on who and what you want to be. Keep concentrating as often as possible while feeling good feelings. Live from the feeling of the wish fulfilled and realize incredible discoveries abound.

Get the Attitude Activator™ today and start living the best life ever!

I wonder how surprised you would be to discover, for yourself, how easily you can begin to implement these positive practices, now, to develop powerful new habits that allow you to feel greater freedom, unlimited joy and find more astounding opportunities than ever before? Wouldn’t that be nice? Say ‘yes.’ take the next step. AND celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

More next time. What kind of outstanding day will you create for yourself today and tomorrow?Subscribe to Daily Inspiration and Gratitude!  Visit often & please share with others!



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Get the Attitude Activator™ today and start living the best life ever!

Discover a powerful process to reprogram your mind & subconscious with a one-of-a-kind self-guided hypnotic process to create unshakable confidence & resolve, get unstuck, & create more abundance in your life! The Attitude Activator™ is the only hypnotic process you will ever need!

Whether you want to lose weight, make more money, quit smoking, develop confidence, create a positive mindset, cultivate mindfulness and feelings of joy, the Attitude Activator™ programs your mind. Apply it to anything you desire. Use the Attitude Activator™ to Create Your Best Life Ever! Mp3 audio, Pdf Instructions.

“Attitude Activator is quite simply, the best tool for shifting your mindset and galvanizing you into action I have ever come across and I have tried most of the top tools over the years. Combine that with Mind Design™ and you really can begin to design your own life.’ – Kathy Strong, Trainer & Consultant, UK

Use The Attitude Activator™ to transform you and your business!

Your success and happiness depends on one primary factor. Get this right and everything else falls into place. The greatest predictor of success in any area of your life, be it health, wealth, happiness, love or success is Attitude! With the right attitude, the world is yours. With the wrong attitude, you continue to struggle.

You’ll continue to perpetuate troubles. You know, if you always do what you always did you will always get what you always got. AND doing the same thing over and over again but expecting a different result IS the definition of insanity. Stop the insanity! Get it.

If you want your life to change you have to change things in your life. The first and most important update is change your attitude! Your attitude is comprised of your beliefs and expectations. It’s those thoughts you repeatedly think that keep you the same OR that move you forward to greater and more wonderful results.

I created the Attitude Activator™ to help you get unstuck, become resourceful to create the kind of life AND results you’re excited about and pleased with. I developed this process, a blueprint, a procedure, the method to make it easier for you!

Use The Attitude Activator™ to transform you and your business!

“Best results I’ve ever gotten on a hypnotic audio before! – Nicholas Montegna, Pennsauken, NJ

“Powerful program! It has positively transformed my mind. I am powerful & resourceful & abundant! Click the link & Do it Now! Sandra J. Horton, Facebook

“The Attitude Activator is something I want to share with other
people… I want everyone I come in contact with to experience how easy it is to change focus from negativity and unaccomplished goals to setting consistent outcomes that bring states that have long been desired… I dance through my days with a smile on my face and a humongous appetite for learning.” Gloria De Voss, ACSW, LSW, Park Forest, Illinois

“I’ll vouch that Attitude Activator is awesome! Highly recommend it.” Staley Mims, Facebook

“I’m absolutely fascinated with your attitude activator. In only 15 days of listening, it has begun to introduce changes in my life. Something that after listening to other people’s audio programs was impossible. Yours is superior and the sound is great!” Jaume Daumal, Spain

“Rex Sikes, awesome I love the attitude activator. ” Kamal El-Rassi, Facebook

Get the Attitude Activator™ TODAY to transform your life!

©2022 Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment LLC

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