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“Have you ever dated a person who was needy, desperate and clingy. It really isn’t much fun is it? They may tend to be doubtful, fearful, always checking asking, ‘you love me right?’ Sadly, their insecurity and need to be needed or wanted often drives us or others away.

Have you ever known or been with any one like that? Have YOU ever been like that? I mention this because that same uncomfortableness occurs with the Law Of Attraction (LOA). Consider this; your neediness is actually keeping what you want away. It prevents you.

Sometimes we want something so bad; a relational partner; a career; fame; fortune; a better job; to get out of debt; a new car; that we don’t get it precisely because we DO need it. It may seem counterintuitive, but we actually push away what we want to attract.

Change Your Thoughts And You Change You And The World

That’s why I started this blog post with a provocative title and dating question. If it makes you uncomfortable to be with a person who is desperate, perhaps, it makes the universe uncomfortable as well. For demonstrating my point I personify the universe AS an example.

I don’t think it is the universe or god not letting you have it because you want it but that your energy, instead of attracting and creating it, actually holds it at bay. Neediness tends to repel people. So, perhaps, it is the same with anything we desperately want. Get it?

The idea is to focus on what you want. Desire it intently. Want it badly as a preference but don’t need it. Be able to be okay without it. Be happy if it shows up or doesn’t. When you are feeling that way, vibrating that way, it has a better chance of coming to you. Get it?

Don’t Believe Everything You Think – Choose Thoughts Wisely 

Don’t we get annoyed with demanding, inpatient, petulant people who demand it must be this way and now? Aren’t we put off by people who are needy, clingy and desperate? Worriers bother us. So become a champion attractor and creator instead. Resolve to do it.

Know what you want. Want it. Learn to be totally and completely happy whether or not it shows up. How? This IS the art of learning to manifest what you want by being grateful. Be happy with what you already have. All of it! The good and not so good. Find the blessings!

Focus on the good in everything. Find the positive side to your troubles, challenges, situations and bothersome people. Live with zest, zeal, passion and enthusiasm. Be thankful for all of it. When you are you have a different quality about you. You vibrate differently.

Happiness Doesn’t Bring Gratitude – Gratitude Brings Happiness

You are happy and fun filled. You exude good feelings and positive thoughts and expectations. You know things will ultimately work out for the best no matter what. You have faith. You believe. You are certain. You take action and work to make your dreams come true.

You live qualitatively different right now! In doing so you open up your own neurology to take better advantage of opportunity you might otherwise miss. I’ve discussed this many times before. The brain’s job is to find matches with what we already believe. It works.

You can transform your life when you start living as a victor instead of a victim. Stop losing out and start winning by adopting that winning feeling first. You have to believe you are going to win in order to actually win. Once you do you open up grand doorways.

How You Vibrate Is What The Universe Echoes Back To You

The Secret is to live with passion. Be grateful. Delight in the tiniest moments. Make your problems mole hills and reframe them as lessons and opportunities. Put fear and doubt and need into the past. Be thrilled. Be excited. Be thankful. Be expressive AND celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

Find more reasons to celebrate each moment!

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Horizons photo used with permission of Phil Koch.

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