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“I’m sharing some fascinating research, from a few years back, that you might not be aware of. It is pretty cool! Study subjects were able regulate the activity of specific neurons in the brain, by manipulating an image on a computer screen using only their thoughts.

A collaboration between scientists at UCLA and  the California Institute of Technology has demonstrated that test subjects were able to regulate the activity of specific neurons, increase the firing rate of some while decreasing the rate of others.

Click To Read Article On How We Control Our Neurons

I’ll let you draw your own conclusion. I think it is fascinating that we are able to do so many more things than we realize we are able to. Science helps us discover more of what we are capable of. Perhaps, we should never say never, but find a way instead.

Brain Power Increases By Brain Use – Use It Or Lose It

If you can conceive it and believe you can do it you can make it happen. Perhaps the big lesson is, think ‘I can do’. And if not, ‘I can learn to do’. ‘I can always find or create a way. I can adjust, correct and continue.’ Remain optimistic and positive. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

Become curious today because you can!

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Horizons photo used with permission of Phil Koch.

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