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“What is it that most people do that screws things up? It could be otherwise for them. They could be happy, successful, pleased and satisfied, but instead they make things worse. It is actually something people do. Let me share an analogy. Okay?

I had a buffet this morning with friends. I picked out those things I liked and those things I’d like to sample. It was delicious. When seated, if I sampled something and I enjoyed it, I ‘d go back and take more. If I didn’t enjoy it, I didn’t take any more. I left it. Simple, right?

There were those things, I could see, as I went along the buffet table I absolutely wanted to have. I put those things on my plate. There were those items I could see I didn’t want. I didn’t take any of those.  When I sat to eat, I enjoyed the food on my plate. Again, simple.

Care Enough About Yourself To Focus On The Best Of Yourself

If I wanted more I went back and got more. The one thing I never did was complain about having stuff I didn’t like. Remember, I only chose and ate what I  liked. The food I didn’t like, I left alone. If I didn’t care for something I sampled, I didn’t eat any more of it. Very simple.

The same is true when it comes to people, events, circumstances and our desires in life. Focus on what you want and what you like. Ignore, let go or leave behind that which you don’t want or don’t like, just as you would at a buffet. It’s no more complex than that. It is simple.

Take what you want and leave what you don’t. Focus on what you want and desire. Stop giving attention or energy to what you don’t want. Stop concentrating on debt and lack; poor health and bad relationships. Stop focusing on irritations, problems and troubles.

Focus On The Things That Bring You Joy And Peace

Stop telling those stories, again and again, to yourself and others, how things aren’t working out or are going wrong. Stop repeating your failures and your mistakes. Just stop! Let go. Drop them and move along. There are many other good things to focus on and enjoy.

Focus on what you want! Enjoy what you want more of. Consider all the things you’d like to include in your life and speak of those things. Think on those things. Feel good about them. Enjoy them as you would a great buffet meal. Life has many wonderful choices. Focus!

It is this simple! You become what you think about! What you focus on does expand. Thoughts are things. What you hold in your head you can hold in your hand. Energy flows where your attention goes. Think about what it is you want and create more of that! Simple!

Love The Life You Have While You Create The Life You Want

It is whatever you choose to make it. If you like it, go back for seconds and thirds, even fourths. JUST stop whining. Stop blaming. Stop accusing. Stop being a victim. Be a victor. If you choose something from the buffet you didn’t like, you don’t pick it up again.

Or do you?  You don’t sit at your table and whine and complain and scream that food item has ruined your life. Or do you? You don’t talk about it endless to others and relive it over again in your head for days, or do you?  Remember, it is ALL about what you choose to do.

If you don’t do that at a buffet, don’t do it in every day life. Stop wallowing in poor choices you may have made. Stop! Choose what you want. Focus on that. Concentrate on enjoying it. Be grateful you have or can have what you like. Choices you make are all up to you.

The Joy We Experience In Life Comes From  What We Focus On

Enjoy life. Be grateful. Concentrate on making your dreams come and make them come true! Think and speak on these things. Speak only to bless, heal and prosper. Life is a buffet. Take what you want. Leave what you don’t. Enjoy what you take. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

Law Of Attraction Magazine published one on my blogs. Check out the magazine and their other cool articles.

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Horizons photo used with permission of Phil Koch.

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