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change your attitude and it will change your life

“The real secret to getting what you want in life IS to make the most of this moment, delight fully in the now, and you get more of it as you go along. Know where you are headed and enjoy the travels and all of it will be a blessing.

I have mentioned previously that the way ‘THE SECRET’ and the LAW OF ATTRACTION works is by association. Our brains work this way too. The principle that like attracts like explains why we get back what we put out.

Our brain works by associations. One thought will trigger a similar thoughts (or memory) so WHAT we think about is important.

One thought leads to another similar thought which leads to another and so on. What we pay attention to IS critical. What we fill ourselves up with, and concentrate on, most of the time is what we get and what we become. We do get back in return what we put out.

Some people attempt positive thinking. They read The Secret, and they give it a try for awhile and then quit exclaiming that it did not work for them.


What I have learned is how you make the secret work. Here it is in  a nutshell and  have discussed this through the course of many posts you may wish to visit OR re-visit.

You have to positively and energetically stay charged and focused on the future you want to make for yourself. You cannot be 50/50 believing that you will get it and then doubting that.  Doing that will only keep you stuck. Yes, we all have to conquer this. THIS IS AN IMPORTANT piece to learning how to be in control.

You stay focused on what you want to have not what you currently don’t have. If you want wealth you must focus on wealth creation and abundance not on the lack of funds currently in your bank account. You do not get rich focused on poverty. You do not get peace focused on war.

You must tip the scale in favor of what you want and put all your energy into it. Sure, it will be difficult at times but anything truly worth having comes at a cost. EVERYTHING COSTS.

if you don't someone else

If you want it badly enough then you will pay the price. You can’t skimp, negotiate, bargain, cut corners, cheat, or lower the cost of getting your future as you want it. YOU have to pay the price. If you are prepared to do so then there will be no stopping you.

The cost for creating your future, as you want it, is sticking with it and not giving up. It means persevering no matter how challenging. The only time one absolutely fails in ANYTHING is when they give up and quit otherwise all defeat is only temporary. Nothing is permanent until you quit.

So if you want to get the future you want – you decide on it, occupy your thoughts and feelings with it. You stay passionate and positively and energetically charged about it. You keep the faith, believe you will make it happen and expect to. Never give up no matter what difficulty you encounter and adjust back on course whenever necessary.

Be flexible and adaptable when you may have to change plants but keep going after the goal. Appreciate and validate where you have been and what you have. Focus on the very best thoughts and feelings you have and nurture these. Avoid the negative and the defeatist thinking. Stay on track and have fund. Celebrate everything today and you make room for more tomorrow.

What does this all mean?

It means you control your attention and your feelings and make these your servants. You make your thoughts and feelings and actions work for you instead of you working for them. You become the master of your soul and your fate. You determine what will be and you continue faithfully until you get it.

grow the habit

You need to maintain the most positive frame of mind and stay focused on your destination, even when things around you are crumbling, without wavering. OF course, you will waver, you are a human but you need to get yourself back on course as soon as you are able. We become what we think about MOST of the time.

So focus on all the good in the future. Focus on all the good from the past. Focus on all the good in your present. Train your mind to see the good in every situation. Keep the faith even when you can’t yet see how the good will manifest. Find the good in the present difficulty, and seek out what lesson, what benefit you might derive from the challenge?

When you can appreciate everything you become the winner.

You are the victor and you are on your way to claiming the future prize. There is no failure along the way, difficulties yes, some may be tremendous, but in each you can find a seed of positive opportunity if you look for it. Train your mind to look for the good in every situation and with every person. Fill your heart and mind with gratitude.

When we are filled with the very best positive thoughts and energy right now in this moment we are creating the future. We are creating the future if our minds are filled with worry, fear, complaints, anger, doubts and depression. We get back in return what we predominantly hold in our minds and feel in our bodies.

This is how you make the Law Of Attraction and the Secret, work for you.

positive mind, vibes, life

We attract like thoughts and energy as we move along.

If you want the best you have to think and feel the best.

The present IS for us to enjoy along the way to getting what we want. We should not sacrifice the present for the future. The present, this moment right now, may be all we ACTUALLY have – but it will become the future. SO it is important to know what you want and to live the way you want so you maintain all the goodness from now to then.

Create the future you want to have by making the present what you want to have. The only way to do this is to begin to appreciate what you have, where you are and where you are going. Enjoy it, celebrate it and more will come your way! More the next time” Rex Sikes

What will you do right now to make the most of this moment? What can you find to celebrate and enjoy? Have a fabulous day!


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