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change what is going on within you

“This is the method for you to begin creating what you want the most in life.

Determine what you want that you must have! What is it you want that you are totally passionate about? What were you born to do? What is your ultimate chief purpose in life? What trips your trigger? See it in your mind’s eye. See it as detailed as possible. Use all of the senses. See it in full color, a movie, sights and sounds, feelings tastes and smells. Make it a complete sensory experience.

Write it down in detail with a deadline date. It is said there are no unrealistic goals only unrealistic deadlines. What is a realistic timeframe for you to get everything you desire? Put down the date.

Think about all of this in your mind as though you already have it. Your deadline came to pass you got everything you wanted what is it like to be living this dream now? How does it feel? What do you look, sound and feel like? What do you say to yourself? What are others saying about you? Immerse yourself in this ‘future, present’ reality where you are and have and are doing every thing you wanted. Savor it.

Do this daily imagine it fully and vividly. Plus, read what you wrote down. Be excited about it, enthusiastic. Be as a little kid waiting on holiday gifts. You know fully the gifts are coming and you just can’t wait. You are so eager, Live with passion and enthusiasm and confidence it making your future come true.

Focus on what you want, see it clearly in your mind’s eye.  Focus on WHY you want it. Think about and list all the positive reasons you must have this come to pass. Explore how you and others will be better as a result. Remember your future can come to pass more swiftly if you do no harm and others benefit as a result of you making your dreams come true. When they win AND you win then everyone can help each other. It is said, ‘you can have anything you want in life when you help others get what they want in life’. Remember this. Apply the Golden Rule.

Focus on what want and why you want it instead of on HOW you are going to get it and you will be much happier. The how will come along even though you can’t yet see it. The how will come about as a result of your thinking about it and concentrating about it day and night. You hold the positive image in your mind and charge it with your positive energy and feelings and as you do your whole being is filled with it. Plans and notions, insights and intuitions will begin to come your way. Take notice.

Practice present day gratitude and thankfulness. Appreciate what you have, where you have been. Be thankful for all of life’s challenges, lessons and opportunities. Celebrate all the positive and what you do have. Focus on abundance and not on lack. Focus on manifesting your dreams not problems or issues in the present.

Even if everything crumbles around you stay focused on what it is you want.

Do not get caught up in how you can’t yet see how you will do it. No one knows how they will do anything until after the complete it. So focus on what and why. Concentrate on all the happy, joyous, wonderful moments and not on how and you WILL manifest what you want.

im a product of my decisions

You get what you expect in life. Expect good things!  Even if you can’t see them or can’t yet see how you will have them, expect good things and you will get good things. Expect the worst, because crap is happening around you, and you will get more of what you expect.

Stay focused and do not give up. Expect it and you will have it. The future belongs to you. You create the future with your present thoughts so think the very best.

I have shared many different aspects of creating your future and what you may wish to do. I have discussed what to do if you have any difficulty. Go back and re-visit and re-read frequently. You can do this! You can make all your dreams come true. Have faith and have faith in yourself. More Next Time!” Rex Sikes

In how many different ways do you suppose you can you discover yourself delighting in today that put a smile on your lips?

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