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“Worry is thinking about what you don’t want to happen. Whatever you focus on and spend time on is what you end up getting more back of. It means most of your time is spent on negative things not working out, instead of on solutions and making solutions happen.

You are programming your mind when you worry. You are programming your mind when you focus on the positive. Either way you get what you focus on. You plan for it. You plan for the worst, or you plan for the best. Get it? It is how you use your mind. It matters!

It is always a choice. Even though, for some people, it doesn’t seem like a choice.  One of the best ways to counteract worry is through gratitude. Gratitude can, and does, change everything! When you begin to appreciate anything and everything, everything changes.

Whether You Think You Can Or You Think You Can’t You’re Right

Your thoughts and feelings change. Your energy changes. Your behaviors change.  When you are able to find the sliver lining or the golden nuggets in  all situations, you transform yourself from one who worries and attracts negativity to one who is positive.

You go from in-effective to effective. You get ‘at cause’. You  take charge and no longer let unconscious habits run you. You create a new habit of positivity, power and solution focused thinking. Not only that, but you win because YOU did it. Learn how to do it! Then do it! Then celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

Without Self Control You Are Stuck And Face Blocks
When You Learn Self Control And You Can Master Anything!

I am launching my new program. I designed it specifically to help youalign your mind, your goals and desires, to skyrocket your ability to create what you want. You’ll become happier, healthier and wealthier. You will overcome limitations and blocks to discover true abundance, manifest what you want and create your best life ever! Ask  about Mind Design™  and stay tuned!


‘What’s Stopping You?’You’ll like my gift to you! ‘What’s Stopping You’ is a life changing 22 minute audio MP3 that helps you go beyond limitations, break through and make positive things happen!Get it! It is Free!

Click Here To Watch My Latest Videos on you tube!


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