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“When things don’t work out as you hoped, remember,  what is is. Learn to go with the flow. Learn to celebrate everything. Stop trying to control. Learn to let go. Learn to surrender, Adjust and continue. KNOW all, ultimately will be well! Learn to trust. Keep the faith.

Think ‘thy will be done’. It doesn’t matter if you are spiritual or religious or not. It doesn’t matter which faith you live from. Consider that you don’t know what you don’t know.  Stop controlling. Live with the faith that it all can and will work out for the best. Relax!

Stop judging the situation. Be judgement free. Learn to be light hearted and carefree. Know all is well. Focus on what you want. Do not let the circumstances throw you. Don’t cast aside you trust. Know, ultimately, it will work out. So, there are turbulent waters?

Keep Moving Forward – Change The Circumstances – Take Charge

Navigate and go with the flow. Sometime adversity appears. You must stay the course even though it seems things have gone awry. Keep focused on what you want to create. Continue to expect it to work out. Celebrate even when life has thrown you a curve ball.

It is all part of the journey. It is all a blessing. Even when it does not appear as such. Learn to look for the lesson. Seek the opportunity. Discover how you can grow through the challenge. Stay positive. Keep on course. Be grateful for all of it. It will eventually change.

As long as you continue, as long as you don’t give up, you will get through it. Defeat is temporary as long as you don’t quit. Hurdlers place hurdles in their path. Realize you are blessed. Be grateful. Remember, energy flows where attention goes! Stay vibing high!

No Matter What Or Who Comes Your Way Keep Moving Forward

You get what you focus on most often. So be certain to focus on the good you want to create. Withdraw your attention and energy from the circumstances. Stay true to your goals and your dream. If you fall down GET back up! Remind yourself, you don’t know what you don’t know. Everything always works out. Continue to expect the best. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

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