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change will lead to insight more often tha insight leading to change

Do you want to stop missing out on opportunities? Would you like to stop losing or failing? Do you want to get better results in your career, and your life. Would you like  stronger friendships, better relationships and more love? Could you include more joy and happiness in your daily life?  Do you want more money and success?

If you want any of these things KEEP READING!

You may have heard ‘Well, just think positive!’

Maybe you tried ‘that’ only it didn’t seem to work. Maybe you did for a while and then quit because results didn’t come quickly enough. Perhaps, you read a book or two. I don’t know what you may have tried or not or for how long or how effectively but I can tell you it does work.

AND it doesn’t work.

Okay, actually, it does work, but you need to know how to make it work and apply it.

WHEN you DO understand and apply it correctly THEN you can get the most amazing and wonderful results back. BUT you have to know how. It is really more scientific in principle than anything else. Mathematical actually.

It is almost as simple as 2×2=4 because when you do what you should be doing in regards to positive thinking the results are as guaranteed as a mathematical formula.

happiness depends on quality of your thoughts

When you finally figure out how to use the formula you get consistent results. This is where and why most people miss out. They just didn’t get the concept correctly from the very start.

As I have been doing, if you have been reading all along, I have been gradually introducing you to the concepts, the principles and the ‘how’ to begin to make it work for you.  When you ‘get it’ it is the most incredible experience.

You have that ‘eureka’ moment, the big ‘aha’ and from then on you know what to do, so you engage in the process and you then you start to get back the results back from your efforts. This is wonderful!!!

OKAY, It can work like magic but it is not magic. So, it does’t work the way most people think magic should work. This is a first fallacy or misunderstanding that causes people to give up before they get results.

Most people misunderstand what positive thinking is. Their expectations are out of whack so when it doesn’t work as they expect it to right away, they quit.  Hence, they miss out. They tried, and they gave up.

This much we know. If you give up you have finished. Failure only results from quitting. As long as you keep doing and trying you can move forward and succeed. You will never ever succeed once you stop. It is done with then.

Another issue is ‘how’ to use it.

They don’t know how to use it. They think if they just repeat some affirmation over and over again then everything will change like magic. NOPE! It’s not a bad start, but it won’t deliver the results you want and need.

thoughts cycle to thoughts

YOU need to know what to do and how to do it to get the results you intend. Since they don’t know they don’t get the results and they quit. When you understand how to apply it you can be scientific about it, mathematical, and then you can get what you want to go after. You can radically improve your life!

When you understand the principles and embrace them, when you put them to work, an amazing journey begins. You initiate a proven process, that others have utilized throughout the ages to make dreams come true.

You only need to learn what they already know. You only need to to do what they have done to make their lives grand and you will get similar results.

So let’s begin today by attempting to clear some of this up.  Again. Remember, most people have to hear the message many times before they actually hear and act on it.

Positive thinking is not pie in the sky magic. It is not about living in fantasy or  creating a utopian existence. It is a real, practical worthwhile ability to make important choices for oneself.

All of the world’s most positive thinkers may have been severely challenged and suffered losses. They may have had setbacks and defeats and got knocked down numerous times.  They did not stop nor did they remain down for long. Because of the way they thought, they used their minds, feelings and actions and they got back up on their feet again.

if you want a different result make a different choice

So what actually is positive thinking because so many people have notions and opinions about the subject.

Positive thinking is about using what you already have available to be better equipped to handle whatever life throws at you. It is the dedicated practice to maximizing our effectiveness and our personal resources.

Positive Thinking means one trains one mind to focus on the good, the positive, the silver lining, the what can be done in any situation. It is a frame of mind one adopts to be able to do be more and do more and get more.

Positive thinking is about developing your concentration and focus to be able to see through and make it through any adversity. It is about making yourself more resilient and able to overcome challenges when faced with great difficulty. It means we spend the bulk of our time thinking and feeling good and experiencing bliss and joy because of what we pay attention to and fill our minds with.

losers visualize penalities winners rewards

It is not only about rising to meet the occasion whenever we have to and prevailing but it is about how we spend the bulk of out life time.

Positive thinking simply means thinking positive thoughts most of the time. You spend more time emphasizing and experiencing the positive side of life.  You spend more time thinking what you are able to do and accomplish rather than what you can’t. If a problem arises you imagine how you might successfully tackle it and make it less of a problem than to worry about it, or be angry or sad that it is there.

You look for and find and keep your attention on the good, the beautiful, the kind, the enjoyable, the fun, the positive, the delightful, the strong, the committed, the dedicated, the persevering, the dynamic, the joyful, the brave, and what you appreciate and are grateful for.

It means you spend the bulk of your day in this state of mind. It means you spend the larger part of life experiencing these things. It means you can determine what you want and go after it because you believe you have the abilities.  You understand that if you don’t you know ‘the how to’ you can learn what you need to if you spend time in that pursuit. You know you are resourceful and adaptable.

attract put out positive energy

Make no mistake it is not about a magical fairy tale life, or places where only bliss abounds, although that may be worth manifesting. The ability to maintain a positive frame of mind is a real life practical skill, a talent to utilize in any and all circumstances.

What Positive Thinking is not is wishing and hoping and longing for things to change. It does not mean having a fixed platitude and grin to get you through each day. It is not about sitting alone chanting and hoping the universe sends good things your way.

Positive thinking is about putting yourself in charge and determining how you want your life to be. It means being the author of your experience and deciding how your life will unfold. It means you place yourself squarely in charge.

You think clearer and better and you act stronger, smarter and wiser when your mind and feelings aren’t clouded or weighed down with negativity. When your mind is the right place and you feel positive and powerful you get better results.  When you feel confident and you know that you can complete what you want to be able to do then can accomplish more and more swiftly.  When you are thinking and feeling well you work smarter and wiser, you have more fun and you enjoy greater health and well-being.

act as if you already have it

Being positive means you have taken charge of your own thinking processes and make them work for you. Instead of being a slave to your thoughts and feelings they become your servants. You get them to carry out your dreams and desires. You make them to work for you! (Refer to previous blog posts regarding any of this post).

Being positive means spending most of your time in a positive condition.  You run your mind and your life so that you enjoy more that life offers each moment. When your mind set is positive you are better able to recognize and take advantage of opportunities. When you are in a wonderful state of well being you don’t miss out on much.

Having a positive frame of mind is a vital and dynamic way to live. It means training your mind to find the good in all situations so you can make the situations better. It means holding yourself in a positive and realistic regard so you think and feel the best about yourself. It is about finding those areas you want to improve and making them better.

A positive frame of mind includes being grateful and thankful for all of life’s lessons, experiences, and all that you have. When you are truly grateful and positive you make room for much more.

you must dive for the pearls

Positive Thinking means you manage the Law Of Cause and Effect. This law states that the results you get are directly due to what you put into action. You cause the results you get. They are a reaction to your action. When you understand this law and decide that you want positive results then you understand your responsibility to create them.

It means living ‘at cause’ instead of ‘at effect’. To be ‘at cause’  means you control what you are able to. You understand your responsibility. You don’t whine about what is outside of your control. Face it, you may not be able to control everything, but what you can control you should.

When you become the powerful cause in your life you get powerful results and effects back. That is what the law states.

So positive thinking is about HOW you use your mind.

You either create or you don’t, or perhaps you even destroy. You either get what you desire or you don’t, or perhaps you even get what you really don’t want. You either are happy and healthy most of the time or you are not. You either focus on what you can accomplish or worry about what you can’t. You either are a champion for yourself or you are not. You are either positive, optimistic, hopeful and determined or you whine, complain, feel hopeless or helpless.

3 choices when bad thing happens

Whatever you spend most of your time thinking about it is what you get. Whatever you feel most of the time is what you get back. If you thoughts are predominantly negative you get negative results. That is just how it already is. We get whatever we think about most. SO the only thing we can do IS change what we think about. We must change our thoughts! We must think positive thoughts to get positive results.

Positive thinking means you have chosen to emphasize the best thoughts, feelings, actions, attitudes so that you feel better, think better and get more done. You guard your mind set and keep it positive. You choose the energy you want to have, transmit and be around.  You put forth the very best and because you do positive results comes back to you.

It means you utilize the Law Of Attraction and understand that like attracts like. This Law States you attract back, and cause, positive or negative things in your life by your mindset, attitude and feelings and behaviors. It doesn’t matter what it is, WHATEVER you put out there is what you get back.

To be a predominantly positive person means you have decided to be positive so that you will attract back to yourself what you want in your life.  You manifest all the good things by what you choose to focus on. You attract back similar thoughts, energy, feelings and experiences as the ones you put out there. When you remain positive you  get positive back. If you are negative you get negative back – that is just how it works. Do you understand getting what you want back is completely up to you and how you go about doing it?

make an effort not an excuse

Changing yourself and your life is amazing and incredible.  By doing some specific things, by choosing where you focus your mind and what you put your attention on you are able to make a big difference for yourself!

Changing yourself and your life is amazing and incredible.  By doing some specific things, by choosing where you focus your mind and what you put your attention on you are able to make a big difference for yourself!

Make positive thinking and feeling a habit by doing it each day and you can transform everything in your life! You can find yourself feeling more delightful in all regards no matter what comes along.

When your habits are positive and powerful they serve you when you need them and when you don’t need them. Your positive mindset and attitude, your thoughts, feelings and actions become reliable servants for you. You become the master of you fate and the captain of your soul.

Because you have made decisions and engineered your life and your abilities when you do need them they are ready and available at all times.

successful people keep moving on

It is not worth it to continue to engage in negative, destructive, ‘woe is me’ thinking and feeling. It is not productive to live as a victim when you can live as a victor. Don’t you think Positive Thinking is worth making a habit for yourself? When it comes down to it what do you want for yourself?

In previous blog posts I have shared many ways you can begin, if you haven’t already.  I heartily encourage you to do so. It will make such a tremendous difference for you. While it may that some people will put off, or find ‘negative’ and ‘defeatist’ reasons why they can’t do these things,  know that is precisely why you MUST do these things.

Nothing will change if you won’t change it. If you do, if you start and only create a tiny opening for yourself to try it for a while, you can be astounded. All it takes is a tiny opening for an entire room to be effected. Water run through a tiny tube at high pressure is able to cut through steel.

SO don’t let negative thinking prevent you from trying out positive thinking. Your thinking is only a habit you learned or developed in the past, so it can be changed! No one can do it for you, however, you have to do it for yourself. Commit!

Commit to starting small if you must but start. If you want your life to change you will have to change things in your live. When you do you will begin and incredible and amazing journey. Would you like that? If so, do something today to move yourself in a positive direction. Every little step in a positive direction brings you closer to what you want than if you don’t move at all. So take the first step. Then take another and inch by in” Rex Sikes
Have a great day!

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