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“Students ask me, ‘what kind of attitude must I develop in order to be happy and succeed?’ ‘Is there something I should do to get what I want?’ ‘Am I doing something wrong?’ First, let me say, in regards to doing something wrong, yes and no. Better to say, no and yes.

No, you are simply doing what everyone does. You are getting some results, okay results, sucky results, haphazard results, but you are doing everything correctly, sort of. You are manifesting exactly what you are thinking about, and feeling, the most often in your life.

You are getting more of the same. You don’t realize, nor, do you take responsibility for what you are creating and manifesting. This is what you first need to understand and change. Take charge. Take 100% responsibility for everything that happens. 100% everything!

If You Think You Can’t Or You Think You Can’t You Are RIght

Whether you believe it or not. Take responsibility! Put yourself in charge of being a deliberate creator. Next, change your focus! Stop focusing on what you don’t want or wish to exclude. Stop focusing on problems and negativity. Stop whining and blaming. JUST STOP IT!

Start focusing on what you want AND want to include. Spend most of your thinking and feeling time on these things. Correct, repeated repetition is how you condition your subconscious mind to go after what you desire and focus on most. Repeat positive. Repeat, repeat!

Otherwise, you sometimes get what you want accidently. Most of the time you get what you DON’T want. You are like a cork bobbing in the water driven by the changing winds. STOP IT! Become deliberate. Take responsibility for creating what you want in life.

You Go Where Your Thoughts Take You – Make It Happen

Then, work to create it. Feel passionately about it. Have fun. Delight! Celebrate it. Move towards it bit by bit every day. Move past the hardships. Commit and persist. Stop doubting. Believe you can do it. Transform yourself into a person who makes things happen!

Don’t wait for things to happen. Determine to make them happen! Put your energy into creating wonderful, marvelous things. Get excited. Feel it happening. You are doing it. Vibe high. Be enthusiastic. Create these feelings in yourself deliberately. Delight and feel gratitude. Jump with joy. You are making your dreams come true! Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

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Horizons photo used with permission of Phil Koch

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