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forget why it wont believe why it will

“I realized I really needed to change my thinking and what I focused on. I now realized and accepted  that I was already responsible for creating my life. I am, was and will always be a creator.

It was no longer a matter of whether I was or was not creating my life I now decided that I was. This decision put me in a place of power. This decision allowed me to declare myself the victor. From this power position I could begin solving my problems and start getting different results!

I clearly recognize my part in creating what I did not want in my life. I began to understand how my thoughts and feelings, my beliefs and attitudes, my actions and lack of them brought about my circumstances good and not so good.

I understood that when I worried and anticipated problems I made life less than glorious. I could see how I caused my own difficulties and got in my own way. I could look back and see how I was responsible for everything I had and did not have.  All of it was because of me.

I saw how I drifted and had not created any master plan for my career or my life.

determined to help yourself

I loved the past and longed for the good old times but knew nothing about the future. I meditated a lot and wanted to be present, whatever that might be, so I did not bother to plan where I wanted to go or what I wanted to do. Like a cork bobbing on the water I went wherever the current went. I had no actual purpose.

Because I had only hopes and no actual plan for how I wanted the future to unfold I dealt with whatever came my way as I had to. I didn’t know any better way to think or be. Sometimes I was lucky mostly I was not.

When I had money problems I never thought I would resolve them easily I only focused on how I did not have enough at the time. I lived in a poverty consciousness wishing I’d strike it rich but mostly knowing I would not. I was not that lucky.

When I decided to master my fate and place myself in the position of creating what I wanted I recognized that I had been creating what I wanted or what I didn’t want all along!

It became super obvious that it wasn’t a matter of doing anything different really. It wasn’t a matter of becoming or adding anything different to me because I had always been a creator. I already was a creator! I just had really bad taste. I just didn’t know how to get the results I wanted to get yet.

if you want a different result make a different choice

WOW that hit me. I already was a powerful creator AND I was just really good at creating and attracting what I DID NOT WANT. WOW, I mean I was incredible at getting what I did not want. I knew I wanted to change this.

These powerful insights brought me to realize that I COULD change was the direction of my attention. I couldn’t stop the ship on the sea but I could aim it where I wanted to go from this moment on. I now knew that could not stop being a creator or powerful attractor but that I could MORE consciously decide to run and manage the creation process.

I could focus on what I wanted and ignore what I didn’t want! I could create a plan for the future and work that plan. YES! It meant I had to change the way I had been doing things! It meant I had to take control of my attention it and focus it in a different way! IT meant if it was going to be any different now and in the future I had to make it different. If I wanted my life to change I HAD TO CHANGE things in my life.

stop waiting and go out and make them happen

Once I understood that I was responsible for producing whatever I thought about most of the time I decided to think better thoughts. I made it a point to think in positive ways that served me better and brought me the results I wanted to have.

I let go of the past and focused on making the present and the future delightful and wonderful. I focused on abundance and prosperity instead of on lacking resources. I took control of my thinking processes and whenever I found myself slipping into old unproductive ways I steered my thinking back toward the positive.

I began to completely focus on what I wanted and not on what I didn’t. I focused on what I could be, what I could feel and what I could do rather than what I couldn’t. It made all the difference in the world. My life instantly began to transform as a result of making that decision.

Here is a key piece to understand. I made that decision not only once and for all on that day and hour but I continue to make it each and every moment.

to bring it into your life imagine it already there

Life is a process it is not a static thing. Learning to take control of our life and our thinking processes is not something that is static either. It is fluid and dynamic it. We have learned to think in patterned and habitual ways. We have automated ways of being that must be changed if we are going to live differently.

I realized I initiated a process of learning new ways to be and to create new positive habits. This meant sometimes there might be ups and downs, results may come faster or slower at times. Anything was possible yet I was ready willing and able to do whatever it took to master my new learnings and make my new habits serve me. I am still willing and I do whatever it takes to maintain it.

Rich people know how to make their money work for them. They may work hard at first but they get their money working for them so they don’t have to work so hard. In this way they can enjoy what their money brings them.

The rich and successful create, they build and they believe they that deserve the best so they get it. They are action and future oriented. They aim at the target they want and they go after getting it, They keep the positive end result that they want in their minds and don’t worry about what else might not be. They are focused on what they want. You and I can be too!

I adopted this analogy and found it to be an accurate example of the journey I was on. I may have to work hard to manage my thinking process at first but, ultimately, I would make it my servant and get it to work for me instead of against me. I deserve the best as do you!

This is the process I am in and am happy to report it is amazingly more simple than one might think it could be.

what u feel now is what u attract

Sure it has taken effort. No, it is not instantaneously an all perfect, over and done with event it is a process.

Through all of it I have recognized that if I want it to life to be different or better that I need to change some things I am doing to make it better. It is always only up to me!

I learned the power and necessity of staying focused on what I want and not on the present circumstances regardless of what they are. I look not to the present results but to what I am creating in my mind.

I now know that the focus needs to be on the inside with what I want to create and not on the outside present results. What comes about in the real world does so by the act of creating it and NOT by looking at what isn’t present yet and feeling disappointed.

It requires conviction and faith to know that, no matter what may be going on, the good things you are creating are set in motion and coming your way even if you are unable to see any evidence of it yet. This IS because we get what we focus on. What we focus on really does expand.

persistent get it consistent keep it

I continue to learn this each day. I stay focused on being thankful and I continue to learn the importance of perseverance, gratitude and enthusiasm.

I have learned that whatever you say you have is what you have. I have learned if you can hold it in your head you can hold it in your hand. Whatever you focus on you do become.

I am so delighted I discovered this for myself I can’t even adequately express it. Life has become a more marvelous adventure than I could have ever hoped for. I live by the mottos ‘if it is to be it is up to me’, and ‘we become what we think about most of the time’.

I feel so grateful I recognized this for myself. It has made all the difference in the world. So I wanted to share it.” Rex Sikes

May you find all the smiles you can today!

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