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“I want to share a secret. It is an open secret, meaning everyone should know it, but few actually do. By knowing, remembering and applying this secret your life can radically transform. It is unfortunate more people don’t realize this and live incredible lives.

It is simple. You may think, what is so profound about this, but it is truly profound. It determines how you go through your days and live your life. It is especially useful if you tend toward worry. So take it to heart, remember this each moment, and allow yourself to be still.

Your positive, or your best hope, is as likely to occur as your worst fear. Repeat this now as I re-write it for you. ‘My positive, or my best hope is as likely to occur as my worst fear. I have no reason to give more weight or importance to my negative expectations.’ Repeat it!

Too Many Don’t Live Their Dreams – Because They Live Their Fears

Do you get this? Once you understand this you can become free. Many people think, because they think or fear something, it is bound to come to pass. They fear and expect the worst. In all likelihood, good is bound to happen just as much as not so good. It’s perception.

Your own habitual mindset determines how you view the world; your past, present and future. Your mindset determines whether you are bound for good, health, love, wealth, success or not. Your thoughts make your reality. Change your thoughts change reality.

Change your thinking habits and you change the results you get. Stop fearing the worst. What you continually think about, you bring about. The more you think positive, and feel positive, the more you act positively and make positive results happen. It’s all in your mind.

Mindset Is Everything – Choose Your Mindset – It Is Up To You

From within, you create everything. You react based on your predispositions. Change these, and react differently. Instead of reacting from a negative mindset automatically, you can react from a positive mindset automatically. Why choose worst? Choose best!

Get it? Nothing changes until you change. Stop doing something unhealthy and start doing something healthy. Repeat it correctly for long enough, consistently, until it becomes the new habit. This is how you transform your mind, your circumstances, and your life.

Stop complaining and blaming and excusing and start feeling and expressing gratitude. Take responsibility for yourself and for making your own changes. Appreciate your past. It got you to here, no matter how you judge it. Appreciate your present. Enjoy the now.

One Day Or Day One – You Decide – If It Comes True It’s Up To You

What you do right now will determine what your future will be like. Appreciate now. Find the good, the blessing, in every person and circumstance. Live differently from how you have lived. Say thank you each moment. Your life will radically, positively and powerfully change. It all happens as you continually celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

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Without Self Control You Are Stuck And Face Blocks
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Horizons photo used with permission of Phil Koch

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