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“Think about it. There is virtually nothing that happens in your life that you don’t have to initiate. You eat and then you benefit. You don’t get the benefits without first eating. You exercise and you get the benefits. You don’t get the body without the effort. Get it?

You sleep your body and mind replenish. You do it first and you benefit. You take an in breath, the rest follows. The last thing you do will be to breathe out. Everything is life is an exchange. Smile and the world can smile back at you. Frown and the world will do likewise.

You want a joy-filled life then begin to think and act joyfully. You go first and the benefits follow. Think happy thoughts and you will feel happy. Feel happy and you will think happy thoughts. The happier you are the more you enjoy life. The easier things go for you. If you want to live happily, healthily and successfully then go first! Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

PS I am here to help you live the life you deserve to live!

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Horizons photo used with permission of Phil Koch

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