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“Today’s blog is a vitally important quote. Take it to heart. Don’t miss this message. Come to understand it and you can absolutely revolutionize your life for the better. You can begin to transform everything into positive, powerful, success and happiness.

‘Success comes to those who become SUCCESS CONSCIOUS. Failure comes to those who indifferently allow themselves to become FAILURE CONSCIOUSNESS … learn the art of changing their minds from failure consciousness to success consciousness.’

‘Another weakness found in altogether too many people, is the habit of measuring everything, and everyone, by their own impressions and beliefs. Some who read this, will believe that no one can THINK AND GROW RICH. They cannot think in terms of riches, because their thought habits have been steeped  in poverty, want, misery, failure and defeat.’ Consider what you do, reflect on it. If this is how you live then you must change it. Right now is your opportunity! Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

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Quote by Napoleon Hill, Think and Grow Rich

Public domain internet image used

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