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“It was a delightful day, today. I’d like to share my conversations with two amazing manifestors. These gentleman are both making things happen and have insights to share. The first gentleman provides me health and body wisdom and practice, I provide mindset to him.

We mentor each other. I saw him today and asked how he was doing. He informed me he had written down numerous examples of when he was successful in his past. He fully relived these moments and allowed himself to savor the feelings. He upped his vibration!

Feeling fully successful, counting his wins, he added his future goals to the list so he’d feel as successful about those now, as he has with his other successes. Awesome! Is my response. This is exactly what you want to be doing. Act as if and feel as if you already are it!

What You Think And Feel And What Manifests Is Always A Match

Success breeds success. Read back through the blogs and you will see many reminders to count your wins and imbibe fully the feelings. It is a marvelous daily practice. If you are familiar with NLP you also may understand this as wisely using anchors and future pacing.

My next wonderful gent, called me. During the call, he informed me had been invited into an elite group. He would be mentored during the next year. It is an outstanding opportunity. They reached out to him and they sought him out. Really great stuff coming his way.

I jokingly asked, what he had to do to make this happen? His response, true to form, is ‘You attract who you are’. Absolutely, good things come to those who put out good things. Both these gentleman prosper in many ways because they go the extra mile.

With An Open Mind I Can Accept That Anything Is Possible

Service to others is not a foreign word to them. They walk their talk and good things come their way. I love being able to share this with you. I also want to share that Law Of Attraction Magazine published one on my blogs. Check out this cool magazine using the link below.

Click Here For Free Law Of Attraction Magazine – Online

That is it for today. Smile and laugh more. Enjoy all life brings. Stop and notice the beauty around you. Spend time reading and studying these materials that will help you transform your life. Spend time feeling good, expressing gratitude and celebrating everything!” Rex Sikes


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Horizons photo used with permission of Phil Koch.

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