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“Everything happens for a reason and that reason is to serve me.” What do you think? Yay or nay? Some people do believe everything happens for a reason and they can cite examples, scientific and otherwise, to prove that there is a ’cause/effect’ reason behind all.

Others believe nothing happens for a reason and can cite examples, scientific and otherwise, to prove that everything is random, haphazard, and that nothing happens for a reason. So, is there divine providence, predestination, a reason for everything or not? Mmm…

I don’t care. Doesn’t matter to me whether it is true or not. It can be a useful ‘lie’. It can be a useful frame of mind. It can help me reframe events and circumstances so that I can find the good or the positive, silver or golden lining in them. It is an attitude I can adopt and use.

You Go Where Your Thoughts Take You

I can use it and benefit from it whether it is true or not. We don’t know what we don’t know. The universe is infinite and beyond our comprehension. How on earth could we know? To claim, or to insist, we know or that we are right, is hubris. It is folly. It is not beneficial.

Somebody cuts you off in traffic. Perhaps, they have a greater need, or it is for you to slow down, or pay attention, or become alert, or learn to let it go without giving them the finger, or for you to not take it personally, or for you to learn to laugh when ‘bad’ things happen.

Who knows if any of those are the ‘real’ reason, or if there is any reason. If you assign a positive reason you move forward and can develop your skills and abilities. If you blame events, circumstances and others, you don’t grow at all. Either you increase or decrease.

Today You Are Where Your Thoughts Brought You

In the picture above those bales didn’t happen by themselves. Someone did the work. You must too if you want things to be different and better. If you always do what you always did you will always get what you always got. Change is doing things differently.

Get it? Adopt useful frames. The frames, the positive reasons, you assign can and will serve you. You will stop blaming and excusing. You will find the good and find positive behaviors to engage in, rather than the old conditioned reactions. You evolve yourself. You create more room for growth, for delight and joy. Get it? Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes


But you still can Enroll in Mind Design™ program. Email for details and to enroll! Join the many people who are positively transforming their minds and creating their best lives ever! You can too. Get it?

ACT TODAY! Stop suffering! Transform yourself and create your best life ever! Enroll In Mind Design™ Today  Stop struggling! It can be easier. Learn to use the mind you have to get what you want!

Horizons photo used with permission of Phil Koch

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