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“All learning is self learning. You learn, or you don’t, from others around you. You learn from teachers. Teaching is only presenting. Whether you get it, or not, is completely up to you, where your mind is at, and whether or not, you are open to the material to be learned.

The person who ultimately ‘gets it’, is the one who is open to it. You can listen, but remain closed. Only when your mind is open can you appreciate. While open you might have an ‘aha’. The teacher can present until blue. Only when the student is ready can one ‘get it’.

Only when open and ready can one hope to understand. A teacher can’t force learning. Neither can the student. The student can only be open and available to the teaching, the teacher, and experience. So the best thing the student can do is to remain open.

The Eyes Are Useless When The Mind Is Blind – Remain Open

This is a great challenge. Most people think they already know. They don’t know that they don’t know. They hear a story and recognize something within it and think they ‘know it’. They think they know it because they recognize it. That is not knowing. That is recognizing.

To know something is to be able to use it. To know is to be able to implement ideas and behaviors and change the outcomes and results. To know and not to do, is to not know. Action is the proper fruit of knowledge. Staying open is the trickiest part of it.

Remaining teachable and available is most important. The moment the student says, ‘I know that’ learning ceases. The mind closes. Learning occurs when you don’t know, but you’re willing to. When you claim to know you are not learning. You are telling.

The Ability To Change Is The Measure Of Intelligence – Be Flexible

The best learner remains open and available. I cannot pour more tea into an already filled cup. I can’t put anything into your tightly clenched fist. The best learner understands s/he doesn’t know everything and is willing to learn. Be open. Become available.

The best learner is humble and willing. This learner has nothing to prove. Pity the poor person who thinks s/he knows it all. Those who think they know the most, miss the most. They can’t see what’s out there because they are already filled up. Being filled, they are blinded. Stay open. Become teachable. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

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ACT TODAY! Stop suffering! Transform yourself and start getting the results and the life you deserve! Enroll In Mind Design™ Today  Stop struggling! It can be easier. Learn to use your mind to get what you want!

Horizons photo used with permission of Phil Koch

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