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“A big difference between rich and poor is poor people work harder to get ahead than rich people. They struggle. They endure. They often have numerous jobs they are working to make ends meet. They aren’t lazy as some would have you believe. Not at all.

They work hard. They try to get ahead. What prevents them is their hard work, struggle and mindset. If you focus on lack, and what you don’t have, you perpetuate it. If you are trying to get away from poverty all of your attention is on poverty, hard work and struggle.

The attention is on not having enough to make ends meet. It is on bills and obligations and worry about losing their home, or car or going bankrupt. What do the rich do? They think about generating wealth. They decide to be rich and to live lavishly. They know it.

You Are Today Where Your Thoughts Have Brought You

They know they will succeed. They don’t doubt it. They aim at what they want. They create a goal and every day take steps in that direction. They aren’t trying to get out of debt, although many have. It is all about mindset and the effort behind the mindset. Get it?

They aren’t trying to get away from Texas. They are intending to get to Milwaukee. They know where they want to go and don’t concern themselves with where they have been. Unless it is to say, ‘never again!’ They get their money working for them at all times.

They don’t work for their money. Their money works for them. They don’t trade their time for money. They don’t work hourly jobs. They may have, but they decided what they wanted to do with their lives and the kind of money and lifestyle they wanted and committed to it.

You Will Be Tomorrow Where Today’s Thoughts Take You

They know it is up to them. No circumstance or event will prevent them from succeeding. They intend to make it happen and are convinced they will. They persist until they do. They may work long hours but it is doing what they love so they don’t consider it work.

It’s about attitude. Where does one places most of one’s attention? Energy flows where your attention goes. If you want to get debt free that’s different than wanting to be wealthy. If you’re doing what you can to make ends meet, you’re not focused on wealth. Get it?

How you use, and aim, your mind makes all the difference. Both rich and poor work hard. One decides they will be rich and makes it happen. The other doesn’t want to be poor and works hard to try to escape from being poor.  BUT what you focus on expands. Get it?

You Cannot Escape The Consequences Of Your Thoughts

In order to succeed the poor person needs to make some mindset changes. If you want your life to change you must change what you are doing. If you always do the same thing again and again you will continue to get the same results you always got.

You have to change. You must design your mind and your future. You need to shift away from poverty consciousness into wealth and prosperity consciousness. The good news is you can. The only question is, will you and when?  Now, is the only time you actually have. It’s your future. Decide how you will live it. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

PS Feel free to share. You may also enjoy: A Difference Between The Rich And The Poor

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