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“Who were you when you were first born? Those first seconds when you arrived? What did you bring with you? Perhaps, some genetic dispositions, but apart from those you showed up pretty empty. You didn’t speak or know much of anything, did you? An empty slate.

Soon, you began responding and learning. In fact, most of everything you know and do you started learning from birth on. You learned to move, sit upright, feed yourself, use toilet, language, walking, reading writing, and arithmetic. What didn’t you learn? Pretty amazing.

You learned to be shy or confident, feel stupid or smart, take risks or play it safe, feel abundant or poor. Everything you believe about yourself, others and the world around you, you learned. Imagine that. You added it to who you already were and are. It is not you.

Skill Comes Of Doing – You Go Where Your Thoughts Take You

You are not limited. Look at all the wonderful things you have learned. Look at all the crazy, insane, less than glorious things you have learned. You are a learning machine! More things were leaned by you and acquired by you than were genetically passed along.

Hence, you  can learn to be civil, peaceful, respectful and loving. You can learn to develop character, act with integrity and honesty. You are a learner. Remember, what came with when you were born and realize you learned everything after that! Your self-talk is learned.

Your self-love or self-loathing is learned.  Since you learned WHATEVER it is you learned, if it doesn’t serve you, or you want to change it because you don’t like it, you can learn new things. You can learn to think, feel, act and get different results! You actually can!

The More You Do The More You Become Capable Of Doing 

You can learn anything. You can learn and change. You are not fixed or doomed to live a genetic profile. You are not doomed to live out your prior conditioning. You can learn to evolve as a person and become more incredible. How? You change and learn the same way you originally did. You condition yourself. Don’t you think it is time you create your best life ever? I do. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes


Enroll In Mind Design™ Today! Click link for details! Join the many people who are already positively transforming their minds and creating their best lives ever! You can too. Get it?

ACT TODAY! Stop suffering! Transform yourself and start getting the results and the life you deserve! Enroll In Mind Design™ Today  Stop struggling! It can be easier. Learn to use your mind to get what you want!

Horizons photo used with permission of Phil Koch

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