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“Are you struggling with debt? Are you wanting to manifest more money for yourself and family? Have you set financial goals? Do you have a specific number you want to hit? Do you have a target date? Have you determined specifically what you want or are you unsure?

We don’t get money by doing nothing but wishing for it? Everyone wants money. If all you had to do is want, wish or hope for it we would all be rich. Rich people know what they want and then go about making that happen. They imagine it and take action!

They don’t think they can’t do it or won’t have it. They determine to make it happen. Again, they decide what they want. They imagine and see themselves being it, doing it or having it. Then, they take the right actions to bring that about. They don’t wait. They act!

If You Think You Can Or You Think You Can’t You Are Right

Today, do something positive to bring yourself closer to your financial goals. If you don’t have any, you must make some. If you’re concerned with debt, shift and be more focused on creating wealth. You must move away from debt and toward wealth. Get it?

If you don’t do these things you will remain poor and in debt. By taking positive action you can change your circumstances. If you want to change your life you must change what you are thinking and doing. You must change some things in your life. Stop waiting!

You can’t stay the same and expect it to be different!  Today, do something that will benefit you and move your forward toward increasing your wealth. Then, take similar, positive steps each and every day. Step by step you get closer to your target destination.

The More We Do The More We Become Capable Of Doing

Without a target you won’t know where to head. Ask someone for money today. Return to past clients and ask if they’d do  some more business. Contact others. You don’t get money from the universe unless it comes through people! GET IT? Do something new!

List an item or items on Ebay. Explore online options for selling yours or other’s goods. Have a yard sale. Sell those things you don’t need or don’t fit you. Even give them away, donate them, to make room for new stuff. Make an offer to someone. Help someone out.

You can’t expect money to come to you. It doesn’t find you. You must act first. You put out the call and it responds. Visualizing the right way gives you the right mindset. Right action brings you the right results. Find legal ways to make money you haven’t entertained before and know you can do it if you will attempt it. Make it happen. Stop missing out. Make some money today. Celebrate everything.” Rex Sikes

Enroll In Mind Design™ Today! Click link for details! Join the many people who are already positively transforming their minds and creating their best lives ever! You can too. Get it?

ACT TODAY! Stop suffering! Transform yourself and start getting the results and the life you deserve! Enroll In Mind Design™ Today  Stop struggling! It can be easier. Learn to use your mind to get what you want!

Royalty free, public domain photo used

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