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“Did you know that when you think of biting into a nice, fresh, juicy lemon you actually salivate? Your imagination, your thoughts, affect your neurology and your behaviors. Your thoughts are neuro-chemical events that influence your body chemistry.

More recent studies now confirm when you imagine or visualize a bright sunny day outdoors or a dark moonlit night your pupils respond as if your eyes are actually seeing the daylight or nightlight setting. Your body responds to thought in the very same manner!

In tests, at the University of Oslo, the pupils of research subjects contracted when viewing images of triangles at different brightness intensity.  Afterwards, when asked to only visualize the same triangles, researches noted, subject’s pupils also contracted.

What You Focus On Is What You Get – Whatever It Is 

Pupils dilated, in both instances, with the darker images. Since we can’t consciously control our pupils these experiments present strong evidence for mental imagery ‘as a process based on brain states similar to those which arise during actual perception.’


The conclusions drawn by this research demonstrate: since humans can’t consciously control the size of their pupils, the results support the idea that our mental imagery activates brain circuits similarly to what we’d experienced with the real thing. No difference between…

These are good reasons why one should take the time to learn how to deliberately visualize the happiness and success you want to create. Our brain and body work together. If you can see it in your mind you can one day hold it in your hand. Einstein said it best:

Learn To Control Your Visualization –  Focus On What You Want

‘Imagination is more important than knowledge.’ Einstein, Tesla, Edison, The Wright Brothers, Jim Carey, Wil Smith, Amy Raisman, Genevieve Berhend  and numerous other famous examples know the power of focusing the mind on successful internal imagery.

Isn’t it time you did to deliberately use your mind? Whether you try to do it on your own, or you allow me to help you in my Mind Design™ courses and programs, the time to master it is now. Learn to use your imagination, design your mind and life to create your best life ever. Feel free to ask me how. More next time. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

Thanks to MindDesign™: 1.  I’m more resilient. I feel bulletproof, and vibe high. 2. I’m super productive, focused, and motivated. I feel like a whirlwind force. I don’t procrastinate. I’m action oriented and carried by momentum. 3. I’m way more creative. My ability to learn, adapt, and tap my brain’s resources is on a new level. I use it at work, life, and most of all with my family. Learning is easier, faster, and fun. I’m laughing and enjoying life more than ever. MindDesign™ goes beyond NLP or other systems. MindDesign™ fills the gaps and reaches the places NLP can’t. It is the ultimate transformation program! I love it.” Michael Halbfish, Lawyer, Bethlehem, PA


Enroll In Mind Design™ Today! Click link for details! Join the many people who are already positively transforming their minds and creating their best lives ever! You can too. Get it?

ACT TODAY! Stop suffering! Transform yourself and start getting the results and the life you deserve! Enroll In Mind Design™ Today  Stop struggling! It can be easier. Learn to use your mind to get what you want!

Horizons photo used with permission of Phil Koch

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