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“There is power in silent reflection. There is a deep power in  not speaking. Become silent. Learn to conserve your energy; verbal energy. Avoid vapid speech and gossip. Avoid distractions. Avoid declaring what you do not want. Speak to bless, heal and prosper.

Take responsibility for each word you utter. Speak with purpose you learn from the discipline of silence. It’s through silent reflection you’ll eventually learn to speak the words of power, with authority and momentum, that only comes from silent transformation.

Silently reflect on what you learn. Wisdom, and ‘ahas’ don’t come from what you see, are told or given. You don’t acquire light from anything you are given or shown. Insight, awareness, and illumination, come from gradually assimilating those ideas within.

Silence Is The Source Of Great Strength – Grow In Silence

Illumination comes from the impact made on your heart and mind from the assimilation of new ideas! Conserve your mental energy and don’t be  distracted with frivolous conversation or talk. Derive the mental power that comes from silent reflection. Be responsible!

Be with your learning. let it go deep within you. Stop wasting energy. Realize no one else transforms you! No one is responsible for your illumination except for you. You transform from within as you consider the new ideas and principles. You transform from the heart.

Silence Is A True Friend Who Never Betrays – Be Silent Within

You transform only from within as you apply the practices. You transform when you master the principles, processes and practices. The journey to mastery may be long or short. That’s up to you. Treat the process as sacred and much will be revealed to you. Enjoy it!

You transform through the process of personal mastery. You transform during the journey. The journey is all you have. Be with the learning. Savor it. Let it permeate your every atom.  Progress toward master is step by step. Delight in good times and not so good.

Still waters run deep. Bask in the quiet within. Go within. Reflect, Meditate. Get silent. Speak less. Enjoy silence. Then you can hear the ‘still small voice’. Then you can follow your inner wisdom. Then you can and will be of positive service to yourself and to others. Then you will recognize your positivity and your authority. You will be kind, thoughtful and charitable to yourself and others. You will be powerfully positive in benevolent ways. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

“I’ve had hypnosis training, multiple NLP trainings and life coaching. Mind Design is totally different. It’s just Brilliant. Thanks!” Tim Shay, Musician, Philadelpha, PA.

“Mind Design helps me choose amazing thinking instead of habitual thoughts that aren’t useful. I form new habits in thought and feeling that result in actions that get me my goals. The possibilities are endless.” Robert Bogsten, Marketing Copyrighter, Turku, FinlandS


Enroll In Mind Design™ Today! Click link for details! Join the many people who are already positively transforming their minds and creating their best lives ever! You can too. Get it?

ACT TODAY! Stop suffering! Transform yourself and start getting the results and the life you deserve! Enroll In Mind Design™ Today  Stop struggling! It can be easier. Learn to use your mind to get what you want!

Horizons photo used with permission of Phil Koch

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