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HOW TO RUN YOUR DAY AND CLAIM YOUR LIFE BACK: Either you run the day or the day runs you. We all need to learn to manage our time, thoughts, feelings, and actions to get the best results possible. These principles and practices can make a great difference for you! Enjoy my Mind Design™ Mini Time-Management Workshop.

Life is a process of change. If you want to be in charge of your life you must be able to direct change. The thing standing in your way is refusing to believe in your own abilities and acting on that limiting belief. Most of us use only a small portion of our true potential. 

We sell ourselves short instead of realizing our marvelous capabilities and capacity for enhanced performance. Change occurs the very moment people stop saying “I guess this is something I have to live with,” and start asking themselves, “how can I do it easier?” 

Time Is What We Want The Most But Use The Worst 

You’ll have more time and energy for the good things in life and the relationships that count when you overcome limiting beliefs and learn to manage your time. Moments pass whether you take advantage of them or waste them. Make the most of your moments.

Procrastination is a fact of life, but it is not a part of your nature. It is learned by reward. The Principle of Reinforcement suggests you are strongly affected by what happens immediately after the behavior occurs. Your brain makes the link, associates or anchors the reward.

The moment you don’t do what has to be done in favor of a snack, television viewing or any other activity but the one you intended to do, you’re rewarding yourself for procrastination. The brain learns by succession and makes connections from one moment to the next.

Either You Run The Day – Or The Day Runs You

You are anchoring, locking in, or reinforcing, a more pleasant behavior to the act of procrastinating. You must learn to reverse this. This can be accomplished easily by breaking your task into smaller steps which you can accomplish easily. Then do each step.

Reward yourself for taking the first, second and each subsequent step. Reward yourself at the completion of each step as you move along toward completing your task. A reward is anything that brings you pleasure. Start rewarding your performance, not the lack of it.

Research indicates that ANY behavior you are likely to do on your own constitutes a reward for an activity you are not likely to do. Realize procrastination IS its own reward! Use it to get yourself to do things. This is a key to making it work FOR you! Get it? Do it!

Begin To Claim Your Life Back – Make The Best Use Of Your Time

Do you understand this? Whenever you put off doing something for something else, that something else IS the reward! That is how the brain perceives it. That is why it is difficult to change, up until now. NOW, you use that reward  mechanism to get yourself to do things.

Whenever you face a task you don’t want to do ask yourself, “What am I in the mood for that I could easily do right now?” Then be sure to do that immediately. Taking immediate action IS the reward. Plus, you can reward or gift yourself, too, after you do the first small step.

William James said “nothing is so fatiguing as the hanging on of an uncompleted task”. What this means is procrastination and lack of good time management are actually more draining and energy zapping than plotting your course of action and following through.

You Never Find The Time For Anything – You Must Take The Time

More in the next blog. For now, review this. Begin by taking action. Ask yourself the important question I shared above. Break your tasks into small steps, and reward each step along the way. As you accomplish what you intend you WILL feel good. THAT feeling IS the best reward. SAVOR the feelings of accomplishment as you get things done. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

“Thanks to MindDesign™: 1.  I’m more resilient. I feel bulletproof, and vibe high. 2. I’m super productive, focused, and motivated. I feel like a whirlwind force. I don’t procrastinate. I’m action oriented and carried by momentum. 3. I’m way more creative. My ability to learn, adapt, and tap my brain’s resources is on a new level. I use it at work, life, and most of all with my family. Learning is easier, faster, and fun. I’m laughing and enjoying life more than ever. MindDesign™ goes beyond NLP or other systems. MindDesign™ fills the gaps and reaches the places NLP can’t. It is the ultimate transformation program! I love it.” Michael Halbfish, Lawyer, Bethlehem, PA

“When you do new things, bit by bit, you become a person who can change and do new things! I have been doing small new things for a while now and it’s a wonderful habit. It’s fun and powerful. I realized how having this habit allows me to break and build any habit, which is very liberating power to have. These Mind Design principles are something else because of their simplicity. Amazing, how cool things happen when you just do them. Equally, amazing is to imagine what it must have taken to put them together in this effortless to learn way. Takes enormous mastery to reduce complex ideas to their simpliest form, but not simpler.” Robert Bogsten, Marketing Copyrighter, Turku, Finland

“Mind Design is a game changer! It is the missing link between LOA, NLP, Hypnosis, Meditation, EFT & DHE. The support and feedback in the training is like nothing I’ve ever experienced before in 14 years of formal practice and 26 years of personal practice. You owe it to yourself and those you care about to look into this training!!” Tim Shay, Musician, Philidelphia, PA


IT’S TIME TO STOP STRUGGLING AND START CREATING YOUR BEST LIFE!! Discover how easy it can be! Join us in Mind Design™

Enroll In Mind Design™  Today! Click link for details! Join the many people who are already positively transforming their minds and creating their best lives ever! You can too. Get it?

ACT TODAY! Stop suffering! Transform yourself. Start getting the results and the life you deserve!

Enroll In Mind Design™  Today  Act now!! Life can be easier than you ever realized.  Learn to use your mind to get what you want!

Infographic Image © Rex Sikes & RSE, LLC

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