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“Whatever your current situation, whatever it is good or not so good, is one you’ve brought into being through your thoughts. You are where you are because of your previous thinking. Thinking leads to feeling, feeling to behaviors and behaviors lead to results. Get it?

It may not be what you want, but you still created it. Your predominant habitual thoughts and feelings determine the results you get. Your circumstances are created by the thoughts you think most often. You get what you focus on. Thoughts become things.

When you finally realize this, and take responsibility for being a powerful creator you’ll understand how you created your current circumstances and how to create future ones you’d rather have. You have been creating from unconscious thought habits. Get it?

You Become What You Think About Most Often – Focus Anew

Your unconscious runs the show. In order to make changes you first need to begin to create what you want, consciously! Then enlist your unconscious mind through reprogramming. You can’t keep doing the same things repeatedly and expect different results.

You need to take charge and design what you want consciously and create new powerful positive thought habits that get you what you DO want. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

STOP STRUGGLING – START CREATING YOUR BEST LIFE! Discover how easy it is! Join me in Mind Design™

Enroll In Mind Design™  Today! Click link for details! Join the many people who are already positively transforming their minds and creating their best lives ever! You can too. Get it?

“I’ve spent over 30 years seeking out the top experts in human performance. There is nothing I’ve found that comes close to Mind Design. It is the ultimate life enhancement experience!” Michael Halbfish, Lawyer, Bethlehem PA

Horizons photo used with permission of Phil Koch

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