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“Whatever your party affiliation, whatever your thoughts on impeachment are, consider this. Whether you’re Democrat or  Republican, a politician or not, whether a POTUS or a Speaker this applies to you. More than that it applies to each of us.

Don’t you tire of people who cry wolf? Doesn’t it get your goat when people constantly make excuses or blame? Whether it’s politicians, your co-workers, family members or friends it gets old fast. It’s old for others too when you or I do it. We need to stop these old ways.

You may not like how this is phrased but there is something very important within. WHEN what you do mostly is blame others, or circumstances, for your problems you learn nothing. Because you learn nothing you are destined to make the same mistakes again.

The Buck Stops Here – The Buck Stops Here – Right Where I Am

When a Potus or a Party only blame, accuse and excuse they learn nothing. They detract and deflect. Remember this applies to those whether they’re Democrats or Republicans. MORE IMPORTANTLY as I started it applies to each of us. Seriously consider this point.

When we defend our actions, make excuses or blame others we stay right where we are. The focus is on the outer not on the inner. The inner, ourselves we can change. We cannot change or control others. We can’t manipulate the circumstances even when we try.

The key is to learn from our actions and mis-steps. Take full responsibility and be willing to be held accountable. Yes, it means wearing grownup pants even few grownups are willing to wear. Transformation when you take 100% responsibility. Not less!

2 Ways Of Doing Things – Blame Others Or Change Yourself

Take responsibility. Be open and willing to learn. THEN learn! Correct, make the adjusts and move forward. Forgive self or others if necessary.  Make amends if you need to. Commit to thinking and behaving differently now and in future.

Don’t make the same mistake. You’ll make plenty of new ones. REPEAT THIS PROCESS AS YOU MAKE MISTAKES. Get on with creating what you want. Pat yourself on the back when you are willing to own up, shoulder responsibility and commit to behaving in new more productive ways. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

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