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“I just love the following fable.  Be sure to read it. It has so much truth and value in it for for each of us to learn and benefit from. ‘For failure and success are often times separated by only the distance of that one word—Discouragement’. This fable has something for you.

‘There is an old-time fable that the devil once held a sale and offered all the tools of his trade to anyone who would pay their price. They were spread out on the table, each one labeled—hatred, and malice, and envy, and despair, and sickness, and sensuality.

All the weapons that everyone knows so well. But off on one side, apart from the rest, lay a harmless looking, wedge-shaped instrument marked ‘Discouragement.’ It was old and worn looking, but it was priced far above all the rest.

When asked the reason why, the devil replied: ‘Because I can use this one so much more easily than the others. No one knows that it belongs to me, so with it I can open doors that are tight bolted against the others. Once I get inside I can use any tool that suits me best.’  Robert Collier

Get it? Once you become discouraged you open the doorway for so much more to rain on your parade. You deplete your energy, ignore your resources and thwart your own success. ACTIVATE your attitude! Attitude is the number 1 predictor of success!

Manage your mindset. Stay positive and true to your purpose and your goal. Stay vibing high. Make it a point to think, feel and do your best. That’s the way you stop or prevent discouragement from taking hold. Be grateful and celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

PS always remember to activate your attitude!


“Mind Design helps me choose amazing thinking instead of habitual thoughts that aren’t useful. I form new habits in thought and feeling that result in actions that get me my goals. The possibilities are endless.” Robert Bogsten, Marketing Copyrighter, Turku, Finland

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“I’ve spent over 30 years seeking out the top experts in human performance. There is nothing I’ve found that comes close to Mind Design. It is the ultimate life enhancement experience!” Michael Halbfish, Lawyer, Bethlehem PA

“I am so grateful to have found you on my journey Rex Sikes you are doing amazing things for this world.” – Brian Alexander Cross Fit Owner Entrepreneur Chicago IL

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