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“No matter how many times it is pointed out you can not take it with you, we still act as what we have is actually ours. Maybe, we would be far better off worldwide if we realized we’re on borrowed time and all these ‘things’ we want, we only get to enjoy temporarily.

They do not belong to us. Maybe, instead of acting as if anyone is entitled to anything, whether they worked for it themselves or got it handed to them, we should consider ourselves temporary stewards and protectors of these things. Stewards and caretakers.

I am all for people having as much wealth as they can accumulate. I do think the world is abundant but I don’t find hoarding all the wealth good. It isn’t! To exclude anyone for any reason seems wrong to me. We are responsible for ourselves and our neighbors.

Learn To Crush Manifesting And Skyrocket Abundance!

We’ve heard tales of pillaging and raping and killing villagers to get the spoils. Many in the world are proponents of this and still do it today. They act against each other in foreign lands, our own lands and to our environment. We are accountable for what we do too!

I’m a proponent of thinking that the more power you have, the more responsibility you have! The more you need to care for others. We should be accountable for our actions and want to create a better place for all. We should find ways to make more pies. We can too!

Instead of dividing up the ones we have just make more!  There’s plenty for everyone, but not in the minds of all. In some minds, and they may be very poor or very rich, they seem to think that there’s not enough, or that they must fight to get everything they can.

Learn To Help Yourself And Each Other Lead & Live Better Lives

You can be very rich and have a very poor mentality and vice versa. The goal should be to work together in harmony. Let’s bring about the best lifestyle for all people worldwide. We are one species of different flavors living together on a rock hurtling through space.

We need to care for it and each other! We need to help and uplift each other. That only happens when we have the right attitude and mindset. We need a positive, optimistic, ‘can do’ vision and mission for all people. Then we make it happen through rigorous commitment! WE need more love, peace, joy and abundance for all. Get it? You and I are responsible and accountable for this world and everyone in it. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

Read Life on Your Terms and make good things happen. Available at Amazon in book or kindle. Get it today! Here’s the link:


“Rex Sikes has taken many of life’s most relevant topics for success, and expressed them in a way that each of us are able to relate, value and apply to our lives. It’s easy to journey through life and get into routines that leave us passing time with no improvement or excellence to celebrate. Rex offers practical methods, built on the basic platform of human psychology and inner development for anyone to comprehend. Overcoming personal barriers and navigating our way around life’s roadblocks, is what determines our quality of life. You will find the juicy nuggets expressed in this book, to help you do just that. Now sit back, and turn the pages as you begin a little journey of personal discovery!” – Scott Fardulis, Network Marketing Professional


Meet Scott. A great guy. He’s  another amazing influencer, entrepreneur and network marketer. He helps people create a good life, health and more wealth by becoming passionate about life and what they can accomplish. He lives in Colorado. Scott’s a powerful positive force. Book or Kindle available at Amazon.

©2020 Cover Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

©2019 Infographic Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

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