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“A Canadian psychologist, Donald Hebb, proposed an important concept. He claimed, ‘Neurons that fire together, wire together.’ By this, he meant the brain continually transforms itself physically, its form and function, based on incoming stimuli. Input changes it.

This means brain activities occurring together strengthen the connections and cooperate through teamwork so we’re able to accomplish more. It’s a necessary component for all learning and self-improvement. There’s a method for making this work.

The brain’s ability to transform itself is now known as  ‘neuroplasticity’. In the 1980s, researchers at UCSF (University of California San Francisco) confirmed Hebb’s thesis. The brain remodels itself based on input whether good or bad. Get this!

Learn To Change Your Thinking & Create Your Best Life!

Your brain has the ability to reorganize itself physically and functionally. It changes throughout your life based on input from the environment, your thinking, emotions and behaviors. Your brain updates and changes all through your life. This is great news.

Science used to believe the brain only learned and changed during childhood. Then it became fixed. Now, we know this isn’t accurate. Your brain is much more plastic, or malleable, and learns much more during your earlier years, but it continues to learn all through life.

You can take advantage of this and make it work for you, but it requires conscious and deliberate effort, unlike your childhood. You can direct it through specific practices and exercises. You can make it serve you by positively directing it to serve you in wonderful ways.

 Transform Your Thoughts & Create Your Best Life Ever

Focus is most important. Your attention determines where energy flows. What you pay attention to, your thoughts, feelings, words and behaviors, shape your brain. What you desire, how you react to experience, and how you behave physically shapes your brain.

You can deliberately change your brain by deliberately directing what you allow in. You direct the input to your brain to change your brain and make it work for you. But remember it’s a ‘use it or lose it’ phenomenon. What we think about most we become. Get it?

What you don’t want, what you want to eliminate you can, but you must work it according to how the brain works. Remember, neurons that fire together wire together, but neurons that don’t, won’t. If you don’t use it you lose it due to a process called ‘synaptic pruning.’

 Transform Your Thoughts & Create Your Best You

Things or information you rarely think about, or behaviors seldom practiced, cause your neural pathways to weaken. Eventually, the connections may be completely lost. This is both good and not so good news. It depends on how you use it.

If you want to keep it you must rehearse it correctly and repeat it consistently for long enough to make it an automatic and reliable habit. If you don’t want it you must withdraw your attention and energy from it. Stop thinking it. Stop doing it. Let it go. Drop it.

And away it will go. So you can direct what you want to increase or decrease in your life. You can harm yourself or help yourself by what you think, feel, speak and do regularly. If you worry, you practice it regularly and wire it in. You harm yourself. If you let go, you let go.

Change Your Thoughts & Transform Your Life: It Works!

There’s negative and positive rehearsal. Most of us do the negative unconsciously from habit formed during childhood conditioning. This is negative learning. Positive rehearsal you must deliberately, do with intention. Then, stick with it long enough to make it last.

Your brain changes based on input, or response to stimuli, from within or without. This means your responses to events changes your brain or reinforces what is already there. It also means you can imagine, visualize, and wire in new thoughts, feelings and behaviors.

You can practice mentally being the person you want, living the life you want, and your brain will make it happen. This is why you can learn and transform and why the law of attraction works. What you think about you bring about in yourself and in outer circumstances.

Change Your Thoughts To Create Incredible Results

I’ll share more in upcoming blogs but for now, remember you can help yourself or hurt yourself based on what you’re focused on. What you give your attention to you give energy to. You increase or decrease depending on how you choose to use your brain. Get this!

Most people never take control. They just live with the conditioning from childhood. They live as victims of their brain, circumstances, events and people. They don’t live the good life because they actually don’t know how. They just run on and on, on automatic.

You, however, have the opportunity to transform yourself and your experience. I go into much more detail in Life On Your Terms and in my programs. I encourage you to read my book and do the programs. They’ll help you create your best life ever and get incredible results.

Want Your Life To Be Amazing Then You Must Take Charge 

If it going to be true, it’s up to you is another way of saying ‘if it is to be it is up to me!’ It is. You can positively transform in wonderful ways and begin living the life you want to live. Remember this, You get back whatever you focus on and practice the most. How you direct your attention is crucial to the success you want. Learn to use your brain in positive ways and you’ll enjoy the benefits. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

PS I share so much more in Life On Your Terms and upcoming blogs

“This may be the wisest, more realistic, and most helpful book I’ve come across. I’ve been a self-help book addict for at least five decades, and I’ve read many of the greats. This is up there with the greats and maybe beyond. Besides extraordinary insights, the style is accessible and compelling. I loved LIFE ON YOUR TERMS. Buy it!” Mitzi Perdue, Author, Entrepreneur (Frank Perdue Chicken)


Read my book Life On Your Terms: Create The Life You Want for lots more powerful practices and ideas to live happily and successfully. It’s an especially important book during tough times. Read it in advance of difficult times to be prepared or during tough times to know what to do and what not to do to get better results!

Make good things happen. Get it today! Here’s the link:


Book and Kindle available at Amazon. Great as gifts too!

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©2020 Cover Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

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