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“While difficult circumstances, events and people are not what anyone wants, it is what we get at times. Challenges come in all sizes and forms. It’s part of consciousness. It’s a part of life. There may always be obstacles and problems. Much of it depends on us.

Prior to humans showing up on the planet, cataclysmic weather events happened. They still do. Before humans came along there was no one to call these events problems or good or bad. There were no judgements. They just came and went. People judge and label.

If we don’t label them they simply are. Not labeling, makes a huge difference how we go through them. Reframing them makes a huge difference how we go through them. Whether we consider it a problem or an opportunity determines how we experience it.

Transform Your Thoughts & Create Your Best Life Ever

Strong winds help young trees grow strong. The current situations can help us grow strong and better if we use them as opportunities to become aware and create better than what we had. If we decide something is an opportunity that mindset guides us differently.

We have the ‘opportunity’ to discover new things and benefits. ‘Inside every adversity is the seed of equal opportunity,’ said Napoleon Hill. Our perceptions, beliefs and point of view determine how we feel, think and act going through experiences. It sets the frame.

If we continue as we were we’ll end at the same place again. BUT we have great opportunity for a complete positive do-over instead. We can correct, adjust, heal, and make ourselves, and the world, better because of the circumstances we are in! They actually serve us.

Change Your Thoughts To Transform Your Life

We can rise to the occasion. Out of chaos stars are born. We’re on the planet because of a cosmic explosion. We might not be here if not for a Big Bang (and I don’t mean between your mom and pop.  I mean THE Big Bang). Get it? From chaos, we came about.

We can create good from chaos if only we will. If we do nothing or attempt to return to what was, we’ll miss much opportunity. We have unlimited potential for good or not. We have unlimited potential if we don’t succumb to our previous habits. Get this!

It’s up to us how we use it. How we think about things matters. What we decide things are, and what we focus on, is what we get. Our energy flows where our attention goes. What we say it is, is what we get. What we declare and affirm affects us. Notice this. It matters!

You Will Transform Your Life When You Change Your Thoughts

If you decide you don’t have enough or are in debt, then you are. You fix it in place by your thoughts and attitudes. Your beliefs about it determine what you will see, attempt and discover. If you think you can’t, it’s likely you won’t. Whatever you decide it is, it is! Get it?

Think abundance, and even though it may temporarily seem as if you don’t have it, you actually open up the possibility to enjoy it. Think it won’t happen and it’s likely it won’t. You create your future by what you think and declare it to be. You determine what you’ll try.

You create your experience. You make things happen. You don’t control it but you affect it by labels, beliefs, perceptions, feelings and declarations.You think of them as good or bad and they become as you think them to be. Don’t give in to negative labels and thoughts.

Change Your Thoughts To Transform Your Life In Positive Ways

Rise above and everything changes. Discover your creativity and power. The world stops for you when you stop living in it. As long as you’re alive you are defining it. You are creating it from your mindset. When you consider everything a blessing, everything is a blessing. Manage your mindset and it becomes better. It really does. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

PS I share so much more in Life On Your Terms and upcoming blogs

“This may be the wisest, more realistic, and most helpful book I’ve come across. I’ve been a self-help book addict for at least five decades, and I’ve read many of the greats. This is up there with the greats and maybe beyond. Besides extraordinary insights, the style is accessible and compelling. I loved LIFE ON YOUR TERMS. Buy it!” Mitzi Perdue, Author, Entrepreneur (Frank Perdue Chicken)


Make good things happen. Get it today! Here’s the link:

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©2019 Infographic Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

©2020 Cover Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

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