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“It’s a funny thing. People listen in order to speak. Not to listen. People ask to get the answer. BOOM! Now it all makes sense. Instead of seeking guidance, people want it done for them, more than they want to do it themselves. It’s our cultural conditioning.

Don’t wait for a boom. Wait on the guidance.  Clear the way for release to happen. Let go and allow the universe, your higher power, your subconscious to gift you with the way to transform, not the answer you seek. Only when you are empty can you be filled.

Stop trying to control the outcomes. Stop trying to manage the flow. Let go of what you think needs to be discovered. Notice what’s there instead. People miss opportunities right in front of them because they’re focused on what they think is important.

Stop Doing What You’ve Always Done To Get Better Results

Ask, seek, knock, but allow the answer to be what it is. Find what is there, not what you expect to find. Whoever answers the door is the gift. If you’re open you may have a eureka moment. You may have many, or none. It isn’t important. It isn’t about the answer.

It’s about the direction you set. It’s where you go from here. It’s how you feel along the way. You may have that boom, that eureka, but you can’t force it. It usually happens in relaxing and letting go. When you realize who you truly are and capable of, everything changes.

BUT no one can answer that for you. You find it when you empty yourself and are open to what is. You discover, when all pretense drops. Listen to listen. Be available for guidance from a still small voice within. But you must be quiet to hear it. Be still. Shhhhhh…

Activate Your Attitude And Delight In Greater Success

You must be empty to be filled. There’s a greater wisdom available, but you can’t get there if you think you already know. If you’re waiting for, or expecting a Boom, you’re likely to miss. Instead, just be open and available to all possibilities. Relax. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes


“Rex is absolutely brilliant and transparent. My go-to book for those I mentor who want to be happy and successful with their lives as they choose.” – Fred Van Lieu ‘The Water Doctor,’ Author

Book and Kindle available at Amazon. Gift a loved one!

Horizons photo used with permission of Phil Koch

©2020 Cover Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

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