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“You can start small. You don’t have to do everything at once. Don’t make it difficult. Make it easy and enjoyable. Think of it as if you were consuming a meal you enjoy. Savor it bite by bite. Making personal changes is rewarding. It can be fun, easy and exciting.

Begin by reading a chapter a day from inspirational material.  Commit to no less than 30 days. Read more if you can. If you can’t do a chapter, read a few pages, a page or a paragraph but read something daily. I encourage you to read and study my book.

It’s designed to help you transform. Whatever you read, do your best to apply it. Put it to work. Take action. Take tiny steps. Do little things. It’s best to do a little and keep doing than to overdo and quit. Make it a consistent, positive habit of self-care. Enjoy the process.

If You Do Nothing – Nothing Changes – Make The Change

Write down you goals and desires. Create a bucket list. Jot down your thoughts and insights whenever you’re able. Take notes and write down memorable, helpful ideas and quotes. Review your notes often. Keep reading. Listen to audiobooks too. Read and listen.

The point is to direct your mind to good and useful, positive principles and ideas. Fill your mind with inspiration and motivation. They’re nutrition for the mind. Feed yourself. Get healthy. Aim at where you want to go. Become who you want. Do what’s necessary.

Enjoy the process of being, doing and having what you desire. Think and repeat positive affirmations or mantras throughout the day. Feel good as you chant these. If you’re enthused when you repeat them you’ll feel better longer. Good feelings produce more good feelings.

Change Your Thoughts Today And Transform Your Life Forever

Focus on people, events, things and circumstances in your life you appreciate and are grateful for. Make a list each day of the good things that delighted you. Look for the good and delightful moments each day to review and think on. Feel how good it feels to remember.

Visualize how you want to look, feel and behave in the early morning and before going to bed. Imagine what YOU want to be like and those things you want to include in your life. During challenging times direct your mind to affirmations and positive visualization.

Return your mind to these positive practices. Stay committed. Keep quiet about this, too. You need not inform anyone. Simply go about your business and don’t attempt to convince others. When possible surround yourself with positive, upbeat, uplifting people.

You Really Can Change Your Thoughts And Transform Your Life

You’ll probably discover after a month you want to continue. I encourage you to keep going even if you don’t. You can learn and benefit so much during this time of self-care and love. So, keep on. Take it day by day and moment by moment. Make it a positive habit.

After all, that’s how life comes to us. Moment to moment. As you progress, it becomes easier, more natural and more of a habit. You’ll discover yourself much happier, healthier, positive and powerful. Make it a positive habit and you’ll keep doing it. Keep doing it and you’ll keep benefiting. Get it? Celebrate everything! Rex Sikes

PS Learn to program and direct your mind: Read Life On Your Terms


“Rex’s understanding of how the mind works and mindset is second to none. He wrote a book called Life On Your Terms. It’s a newer book. He jumps around a lot in the book with mindset topics; creating the life you want and developing a champion mindset. He’s really good. You can’t read this book and not think better, not think more productively, not think more efficiently, and not think with a lot more directed happiness in your life because he shows you how to do it in the book. I’m really glad he put out this book. I encourage you to buy it. It’s really good!’ Joe Soto International Marketing Specialist

©2021 Meme Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

©2020 Photo Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

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