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“Thought leaders and mystics have known this ‘secret’  from ancient times. More recently, science validated crucial life-transforming information. Some have popularized it while missing a vital point. I’m going to share what you need to know in very simple terms.

Researchers validated what has come to be known as Hebb’s Law. ‘Neurons that fire together, wire together.’ Neurosynaptic connections are strengthened when two or more neurons are activated contiguously in time and space. This IS how we learn.

This process lays down new neural pathways that become our habits. It’s why we can do anything we do. Take juggling. You begin by practicing and activate neurons. You repeat the process again and again through daily practice and eventually you become a juggler.

If You Always Do What You Always Did You Get The Same Results

You do this even when you imagine or visualize juggling. If you enjoy juggling you wire in enjoyment and juggling. If you hate juggling and feel frustrated about it you wire in those feelings. You will continue to feel that way until you wire in different positive feelings about it.

You learned mathematic tables, the alphabet, how to read and write, ride a bike, drive a car, cook a meal, use the computer, roll over, crawl and feed yourself this way. What at first seemed impossible became easier and you developed the habits. Now you can easily do them.

Anything and everything we have learned to think, feel, speak, and do is a result of this process. We’ve learned many wonderful beneficial things. You don’t even have to give it much conscious thought, or attention, because your brain knows what to do.

If You Want To Change Your Life You Must Make Some Changes

These pathways have been laid down by repeated exposure and practice. Advertisers know the benefit of repetition. As do politicians. We learn by spaced repetition. Doing it, thinking and feeling it repeatedly, consistently, for long enough to become habit.

These pathways laid down, run the show. So when it comes to transforming your life I suggest you think positively repeatedly, consistently for long enough. Get it? Create new pathways. Create new habits! Think of walking on the grass. You leave footprints.

The more you walk the path of footprints the more the footprints become the path. This is how paths in the woods get formed. This is how a stream becomes a river. Vinyl records are made up of grooves. We are replacing grooves or pathways inside our subconscious.

If You Think You Can Or You Think You Can’t You Are Right

You wire in the new mindset, feelings and behaviors! NOW here’s the rub and what many don’t tell you because they haven’t thought through it. You have to live in the trenches to understand the trenches sometimes. Some simply don’t understand this. You can.

Your problems and limitations are, and were, laid down the very same way. This exact process is used to feel good or bad! When you felt helpless or hopeless, sad, scared, broke and not good enough you fired neurons together. Get it? You laid down those pathways.

Every time you tell yourself or someone else WHY you’re broken, whatever reasons you supply, you perpetuate those patterns and pathways from the past. Then you wonder why you can’t change? And you perpetuate that! It’s like a giant Catch-22 and it would be.

You Continue To Travel In The Same Direction Until You Change It

If that was the end of it. BUT it isn’t. I’ll share why in a moment. Whenever you look at circumstances and feel upset and defeated you perpetuate that old conditioning. Whenever you look at your bank balance and feel broke you produce more broke. Know this!

This is precisely why ‘birds of a feather flock together.’ The neural pathways are activated and produce the same reliable unwanted thoughts, feelings and behaviors that got you stuck and keep you stuck. This is the Law Of Attraction. You get back what you put out.

Here’s the good news. You can change it using the very same process! You don’t need to learn another way to do something. By using the same process you direct it to what you want instead. You don’t have to sort through or clear out crap either. You really don’t.

You’ve Learned Many Things – How To Have Problems & Solutions

The brain is always learning and evolving. Because of something we recently called Neuroplasticity, it means we can always learn new thoughts, feelings and behaviors. We can learn good ones that support us or not so good that don’t support us! The choice is yours.

Either is a possibility. Your brain runs on default, doing what it always has, what it learned to do in your past until you decide to take charge and positively direct it. You decide which you want to create and perpetuate. Then using the same process you re-wire.

You don’t have to dig through your past to change! You only need to stop perpetuating the old ways and begin doing the new ways. This IS how it works.  Sadly, however, some will read this and then from their past conditioning have a response that doesn’t serve them.

Neurons That Fire Together Wire Together – Rewire For Success

Instead of choosing to make changes, they’ll provide reasons why they are the way they are or why they can’t. It’s why Henry Ford said, ‘if you think you can or you think you can’t, you are right.’ They will dismiss it from their conditioned beliefs and mindset. Will you?

But they can make changes! Either they will or they won’t. Anything is possible. AND this blog could be a seed planted for down the road, which is great. Still, some will continue on frustrated. You and they need not be. You can learn to easily update the old programming.

Perhaps you will understand this and decide to take charge of your mind, and the process by which you learned to be stuck and have problems and you will correctly, repeatedly and persistently re-educate your brain to serve you in powerful and positive ways. Yes?

There’s Hope For You You Can Rewire Upgrade Update Your Brain

When you find yourself thinking, feeling, speaking and behaving in old ways that perpetuate the old conditioning that awareness IS the beginning of change. You either continue to perpetuate it or you stop it. You interrupt the pattern, breathe and do anything different.

I have shared this process in my programs, in my book, in the Attitude Activator™. for decades. If you want help making changes I have numerous avenues to assist you. I have even made it easy and done the heavy lifting for you in the Attitude Activator™.

What you do next determines where you go. Either you choose to take charge and learn productive thinking, feeling and behaving habits or you continue on as you have. If doing what you have always done is fine with you, that is fine with you. Or create new pathways!

The Attitude Activator™ Helps You Makes Your Changes For You

If you want another way I’ve provided some options. If you do nothing, nothing changes. If you take charge and direct your brain in positive ways you will soon be surprised, perhaps astounded and delighted by the wonderful changes you will have been making.

It’s up to you. I recommend beginning with my book and Attitude Activator™.  If you want to begin right away get the Attitude Activator™ today. You’ll learn by relaxing and listening to the process for rewiring your brain. Just following along it wires in.

While you’re listening you are led to activate the neurons for developing the right attitude you need to move forward in any circumstance or to make any change. So, remember, you don’t put good wine in old wineskins. You won’t be different by perpetuating the old ways. Update, uplevel and upgrade today. Whether you allow me to help you or you do it all on your own you’ll be glad you did. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes


“Rex’s understanding of how the mind works and mindset is second to none. He wrote a book called Life On Your Terms. It’s a newer book. He jumps around a lot in the book with mindset topics; creating the life you want and developing a champion mindset. He’s really good. You can’t read this book and not think better, not think more productively, not think more efficiently, and not think with a lot more directed happiness in your life because he shows you how to do it in the book. I’m really glad he put out this book. I encourage you to buy it. It’s really good!’ Joe Soto International Marketing Specialist

©2021 Meme Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

©2020 Photo Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

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