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“Here’s a thought to consider when it comes to Hebb’s Law, affirmations and the Law of Attraction. WHY on earth would you spend minutes every day affirming who you are, what you are, using a vision board, a vision book, meditating and thinking positive…

if you spend the rest of your time entertaining all the reasons why you’re broke, broken, sad and sorry, why your life didn’t work and all the reasons for the problems you historically have had, by recounting all the crap that happened in your life?

IF it is true that what you focus on is what you get, then you should focus most often on the positive things you want to create and enjoy. Stop focusing on the troubles you had in the past. Stop perpetuating the old chronic limiting conditioning that you were raised with.

Do What You Always Did – You’ll Get What You’ve Always Got

That doesn’t serve you. You only want to perpetuate the conditioning you were raised with that serves you to be better. You want to focus on and give your attention and energy to only those things that are uplifting. Focus on the good in your past and present.

This is why I say to speak only to bless, heal, inspire, motivate, prosper, transform and uplift! If you’re affirming that you are great and that you can do things, why then would you also affirm that your history sucked? Stop affirming that you’re limited in some way.

Why emphasize that you have limiting beliefs that sabotage you? If that’s how you think and feel, that’s what you’re going to continue to create. The Law of Attraction isn’t going to give you something different than what you’re putting out. Always affirm your very best.

If You Want Your Life To Change – You Must Change Some Things

If you’re putting out. ‘I am broken’ then you’ll get back more broken. If you are consistently putting out, ‘I am fabulous and I make all my dreams come true,’ then that’s what you will end up doing. What you focus on expands. So, focus on the very best. Stop wasting time.

Stop digging through the crap in your past and all the reasons why you think you’re broken, stuck or not enough to make good things happen. Stop perpetuating myths. Stop keeping them alive by thinking and talking about it. Put a guard before your mind and lips.

Only think and speak about those things that serve you to be better, happier, healthier and wealthier. Reinforce the good, not the-not-so-good. Get this because this is important. This is what causes so many people to remain stuck. They relive past hurts over again for years.

If You Think You Can Or You Think You Can’t – You Are Right

Then they claim the Law Of Attraction doesn’t work and that they’ve tried everything. They haven’t if they continue to tell old stories that keep them stuck, suffering and only surviving instead of thriving. Stop penetrating the old. Start affirming the good and thrive instead.

Stop making it difficult for yourself. Let go of limitations and beliefs and all the stories that don’t serve you. If you’ve heard, ‘everything happens FOR you and not to you’, then stop talking about what happened to you! This is important to understand. Do you?

Stop discussing it at all. Instead discover, and put your attention on, how it happened FOR you. Emphasize how your past is a blessing and a learning that has brought you to right now. It’s not a burden. It’s a gift. Celebrate it! Because without it you wouldn’t be you.

Neurons That Fire Together Wire Together – Rewire For Success

It doesn’t matter what your history is. Everybody has tons of shit that’s ‘bad’ in their life BUT not everybody regurgitates it moment to moment, day in and day out. Stop recreating the problem and keeping it alive. Drop it and move on. Drop it like a hot potato.

Let it go. Emphasize and affirm only the good. Stop affirming your crappy past. Create new positive stories to affirm instead. Live from the feeling of wish already fulfilled. Live with gratitude, appreciation, positivity and love for yourself. What you focus on is what you get.

Your past brings you up to this decision point of positive change. Once here, decide to think, feel and live differently. Speak only to bless, heal, inspire, motivate, transform and uplift yourself and others. Focus on good and you’ll get more good!

The Attitude Activator™ Helps Makes Changes For You

Live a new life. Tell positive stories about how you are making your dreams come true. This is worth your time and brings about great positive results. Living limited, and hurting from the past will not. Focus only on the good and then better things will begin happening for you and to you. Get it? I hope so. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

PS Learn to program and direct your mind: Read Life On Your Terms


“Rex’s understanding of how the mind works and mindset is second to none. He wrote a book called Life On Your Terms. It’s a newer book. He jumps around a lot in the book with mindset topics; creating the life you want and developing a champion mindset. He’s really good. You can’t read this book and not think better, not think more productively, not think more efficiently, and not think with a lot more directed happiness in your life because he shows you how to do it in the book. I’m really glad he put out this book. I encourage you to buy it. It’s really good!’ Joe Soto International Marketing Specialist

©2021 Meme Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

©2020 Photo Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

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