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“Your subconscious works by law. It is consistent. It does whatever it was programmed or conditioned to do automatically and reliably. It doesn’t judge, care, or evaluate. It is a servant. Reliable. Just like the law of gravity. Gravity is consistent. So is your subconscious mind.

It works as if by law. Whatever it was programmed to do it will carry out without arguing with you. It will do it over and over again reliably UNTIL it learns to run a different program. To change its course it must be re-conditioned, re-trained or reprogrammed.

If it learned to do self-destructive things, then that’s what it will do. It doesn’t care because it doesn’t label, judge or evaluate. It just serves it up. It carries it out. It beats your heart, monitors your temperature, blinks your eyelids because that is what it does.

Change Your Thoughts And You Transform Your Life

It runs processes that you never have to think about it. This is great news. THE really great news to FINALLY understand is that while it carries things out good or bad, wanted or unwanted reliably, you actually have a conscious decision or choice point you weren’t using.

This IS excellent news. IT means now you can choose the results you get instead of just getting whatever was going on. You get to have a say finally. Why didn’t you in the past or up until now? Why did it seem it was sabotaging you? It wasn’t. It was doing what it learned.

Your unconscious carried out whatever it learned to do while growing up. It served you reliably even if you didn’t like the results. What you may not have known until now is that you have a choice to change the programming. Now, you can get the results you want!

Change Your Thoughts And You Transform Your Life

If you don’t like the results, NOW you can change the program and get different results! This is fantastic news. Now, you can determine what results you will get from this point on. Science used to think the brain was like a jar and once filled up it was filled up. Done.

We know now, and have for decades, although ancient mystics knew this eons ago, the brain is like a jungle. It is alive, growing, capable of changing or dying depending on how you use it. It is similar to a muscle, Use it well and it grows. Plus, you can deliberately train it.

Whatever you focus on, wherever your focus your attention your energy flows. Whatever you concentrate on predominantly is what expands. Most people have lived as a victim of their brains and don’t take conscious control to direct it. Train it like a horse or dog.

Change Your Thoughts And You Transform Your Life

It will learn and it will serve you. You always have been getting what you focus on consciously and unconsciously. Retrain your brain and you’ll get back the good you want. WHAT A RELIEF. IF you want your life to change you change your thoughts! Now you can!

If you think it will be hard IT will be hard. It will be whatever you assert it to be. Get this. Get this now. You can live life much more wonderfully than you ever thought possible, but not if you keep going as you were and keep doing what you always have done.

You must change. You must take charge, You must take control. Just as an expert rider can ride a horse you must know what you are doing to train your brain to serve you as you want it to. If you don’t you’ll continue to get what you have gotten so far. Understand?

Change Your Thoughts And You Transform Your Life

If you want to change yourself and your life to be happier, healthier, wealthier and more successful you must change what you have been thinking, feeling and doing. It is simpler than you might think it is. It is necessary if you are to live the life of your dreams.

Change your thoughts and you transform your life. I’ll help you. Click the link, enroll in my powerful program and start living the life you were meant to live. Get it. You have a choice. Start to live the life you deserve instead of living by default. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

CLICK HERE Change Your Thoughts And You Transform Your Life

“Life On Your Terms’ is a hall of fame level book written by Rex Steven Sikes. I am such a fan of this book. I truly think this is one of the greatest personal development books written of all time.” Moe Rock, Owner & Publisher The Los Angeles Tribune

“This is by far the most comprehensive self help book on the market! And I’ve written 20 self help books all here on Amazon. @rexstevensikes is a genius for writing it and you would do well to get a copy if you truly want to change your life!” Dr LaVerne

Click Here To Get Life On Your Terms Today! amzn.to/3gD7rLG

©2021  Meme Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

©2021 Photo Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

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