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“In my earlier journey I sometimes took one step forward and then a couple steps back. At times, I’d get disenchanted, disheartened, upset and frustrated as I looked at circumstances and thought, ‘It just isn’t happening quick enough!’ Or some other complaint about events, circumstances, other people and myself. Blame is easy to do. It’s disruptive. Two steps back easily occur.

If you aren’t careful. Remember, ancient masters, Napoleon Hill and others make a big deal about what predominately fills our minds. If you and I aren’t predominantly positive and optimistic, vibrating and feeling the very best, the highest frequency and intensity than WHAT are our predominant thoughts? IT MATTERS. A little negativity can undo all your efforts. That’s why we must persist.

Persist in remaining positive. Persist in remaining optimistic. Persist in looking for the good and the opportunity in all hardship. Persist in maintaining our high vibe feeling so we broadcast the very best. Remember GIGO. Garbage In means Garbage Out. I say, Good In means Good Out. Whenever I forgot to be vigilant and move forward maintaining my mindset, I found myself going backward.

When I realized this, woke up, became aware I’d remember what I needed to do. I needed to put my attention, ny focus on the positive, the optimistic, the good, the possible, the doable because energy flows where attention goes. I’d realized I was off course and needed to get back. I needed to refocus to make my dominant thoughts, the bulk of my thinking and feeling positive!

Course correction saved me! There were always little ups and downs. As I got better at course correction and maintaining my mindset and positive feelings when deep downs came along, I was much better able to handle them than ever before. What previously would’ve thrown me off for a long time, now caused me to think differently to become more flexible and positive.

I was learning! I learned to persist in positivity and optimism and wonderful feelings. Less dog crap and many more diamonds. I learned never to quit. I learned to bend instead of break. Good times were plentiful. Minor moments become more delightful. Life became worth living! It always has been but sometimes I’d forget. Instead of blaming, whining and going into despair I started rising higher.

I was taking 100% responsibility for all the bad and the good. As a result everything was getting better. Why? Because my mindset and attitude became stronger, more positive, more powerful, more permanent. Our thoughts, mindset, or attitude always precedes action and results. Slowly at times, more quickly at others, I evolved myself into more of who and what I wanted to be.

What I hadn’t realized previously that I was now beginning to understand is that my CURRENT REALITY is created by me and what I think about myself, life, events, circumstances and others. My dominant thoughts are reflected in the dog shit life I was creating. The learning that occurred was I finally realized the dog shit life was my doing. From within to without, not happening to me!

I am, as you are, responsible for creating and attracting dog shit or diamonds. You only get diamonds with a positive, optimistic, high-vibe, powerful mindset! OTHERWISE, dog shit or ho-hum is our default setting based on our conditioning while growing up. My first steps seemed to be to stop getting so much of what I didn’t want. I had always been great at doing that. I gave up dog shit!

I created lots of troubles in my past. Now, I was learning and accepting that I could be great at getting what I wanted too! I stopped focusing on what I didn’t want and what I didn’t like (the latter part of that sentence is crucial) and began focusing on what I did want. What an amazing change that brought about! Stop perpetuating the negative, what you don’t want and don’t like. STOP IT.

Once my energy became predominantly positive because I was thinking, feeling, broadcasting that way things became different. It’s awesome and fun to realize one’s potential and role as a creator in one’s own life. The power, the creative ability and the responsibility is magnificent! I take 100% responsibility for my part in creating everything I have had, lost, got, will get and enjoy.

All of it, everything! Doing this puts me in the driver’s seat! Everything good and bad has always been up to me. Since I have adopted this mindset, this mental position I am capable of so much more because it all boils down to me and my attitude instead of relying on others or blaming them. It is not about changing others or circumstances to get my way when less than glorious things happen.

I change my attitude, my thoughts, my responses and move forward with what I might do instead of blaming or criticizing. Instead of feeling stuck or dependent on ‘things’ to change I change! That makes all the difference in the world. I am not a victim but a victor in this mental stance. I don’t care if it’s accurate that we’re 100% responsible. I know this mental stance has helped me immensely.

Oh, believe me, I am a work in progress. I have much to work on, but I have learned to accept that and be ‘cool’ with that. I am growing as a plant does. Whatever growing I have left to do I will do for as long as I have time left. I don’t expect to be complete; I expect to discover and delight more. Challenges may always come. Something could come up that takes the wind out of your sails.

When you notice feeling not-so-good you must decide to take charge. YOU may not feel like it but through practice you will get better and better at it. When you become aware your attention is not where it could be, change it! Take action to change how you think and feel no matter how small. Enough tiny steps can still take you to the top of Everest. I learned to change my attention.

As a result, I discovered many wonderful things I hadn’t realized or wasn’t doing previously. When I started from the position of being the boss of my life, in charge of me and my mindset, things got better. What now might take a day might could have taken months or years previously. Get this! Am I happy with my journey? You bet your ass I am. I’m thrilled! It began in bad times.

It got so bad I knew I had to make instant changes. I decided to fill my mind each day with thoughts that inspired me, helped me to feel grateful, and move forward. You know, GOOD IN means GOOD OUT! Step by step, day by day. All these years later, I could never be more pleased with that decision I made. It’s the best one I have ever made in my life. If I can you certainly can. Come with me and I’ll show you how to live more gloriously than you might otherwise ever imagine. Celebrate everything! Rex Sikes


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If you’d like some valuable help to live Life On Your Terms: Create The Life You Want get your copy today!  It is a life changer!

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“Rex is absolutely brilliant and transparent. My go-to book for those I mentor who want to be happy and successful with their lives as they choose.” – Fred Van Lieu ‘The Water Doctor,’ Author

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“Rex’s background as change agent, actor, magician, mentalist, communicator, performer, and survivor, makes him well practiced in the art of knowing the inner landscape of the human mind. In this book, he hands you the keys to unlock the magical kingdom within you. Not only do you receive the keys, codes, and passwords, you also get the full behind-the-scenes tour to know how to use them. You can now take charge of your own thinking and enjoy the abundant riches you are uniquely qualified to produce as you live life on your own terms.” – Paul R. Scheele, Ph.D


©2020 Book Cover Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

©2020 Infographic Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

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