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what we project we perceive

“What makes this world a beautiful place? Our thoughts. When right thinking, the world is delightful. When we manage our thoughts and think the very best of ourselves, others and circumstances the world is wonderful. We paint this world as we want it to be by our thoughts and attitudes. If it isn’t what you want it to be, then you have to change some things.

Our beliefs determine what we see and what we find. Our experience is shaped first within and then realized without. When we think the best of everything we have the best of everything. When we hold others in our hearts and wish them love, peace, blessings, and abundance, AND when we support this through kindness, our world becomes amazing.

Go First: Bless, Heal And Prosper

We can give first even without others knowing we are giving. We can care and make a difference! It begins with out thinking but it must become our speech and our actions. Only think, say and do those things that help bless, heal and prosper another person and yourself. Live well by thinking, speaking and doing kindness.

There are people who suffer but somehow manage to find bright spots in the darkness. They live in the light while facing incredible odds and still find it within themselves to love, care for and encourage others. In spite of great personal difficulty they act and help to encourage and inspire. \ We all can do more of this. We ought to do more of this. Love and the world loves back.

What makes this world a beautiful place? People do! Without our awareness this place just is. It’s a rock hurtling through space at high speed. People give it color, texture, love and life. People care. They help and they inspire. They uplift and celebrate. This is wonderful!

People rally and support and nurture each other. In pleasant times and in difficult times. People reach out and are there for one another. Know this and embrace this. There is good in this world.

Love One Another

It’s worth it to think the best of all people. Hold everyone in the highest esteem. Love and accept each other as Jesus encouraged us to do. I am not favoring Jesus here. Many have spoken about this need, but his message was simple. ‘Love one another as I have loved you.”

His examples from the scripture are pretty clear. He gave. He healed. He forgave. He fed. He nourished. He taught, uplifted and inspired others. He walked his talk. He was a living example.

Those he chastised were to greedy know-it-alls. They had ego but no remorse. According to his story, he gave his life for them too. He forgave his captors and killers. If he could do this, how can we not do a little something for one another when in need? How can we not give to help feed, clothe, minister and care for others. How can we not forgive and love and accept those who hurt us?

He said, what you do for the least or the most lowly of all people you do for and to him. That’s pretty straightforward. Pretty, mighty clear. We ought to help each other more. We ought not judge. We ought just help without prejudice. We should be open and accepting. Give and give some more.

There are plenty of times a day when a smile, a kind word, a note, a message, a small act of caring may be all that’s needed to uplift a person. Help ease their burden just by being pleasant and nice. Opportunities for kindness abound. Hold a door open for someone. Make pleasant eye contact. Chat with a stranger. Smile. Listen. Say hello.

Of course, we should do this with family, friends and co-workers. Frankly, we should do it with and for everyone!

Smile More, Be Kind, Uplift, Be Friendly In Thought, Word, Deed

Recognize and validate the people you pass by daily without giving a thought to. The person who annoys you; the person begging at the corner; the disenfranchised citizens, the homeless, the needy, the hospitalized. Acknowledge them as you go about your day! Notice and greet them.

Recognize them. Smile, say hello. Wish them well. Act like they do more than take up space and exist. They are people after all. They may be cut off from family, friends and society. They may need medical care, or a meal or a bed. They may need just a moment of contact or a friend.

They’re human. They have needs. Some just don’t have the money or station in life you and others do. So what? Treat all people with care and kindness!

If you can’t do anything YOU can always wish them well. You can think highly of them and for them. You can say a little prayer or shower that person with positive thoughts, feelings of peace, love, joy and positive warm loving energy. People can tell. People feel it. Attitude is everything!

The World Is Filled With People Posing As Strangers

Take moments throughout the day to validate the people who walk the earth around you. They get on elevators with you, walk the streets, pass you by in hallways. The world is filled with people, with those who could be friends, posing as strangers.

We are one species. We’re one family seemingly separated. We have differences. That makes us richer than if we’re all the same.  Yet, there’s an aspect of us that IS all the same.

We’re human! We want and need to be noticed and loved. We need to feel that others know we’re here and that we can be heard. We all want to make some form of positive impact and be valuable to another. We want to leave a mark on the world.

There Is Nothing More Sad Than A Lonely Person In The Crowd

To be lonely when surrounded by others should never be the case. We’re all in it together. We are one great human network. Networking shouldn’t only be to get ourselves gain in business, but to get others the help they need.

Some people have fallen out of ‘everyday’ life network and can use some help getting re-connected. Help others connect to resources, their own resources and those available to them. Help each other bless, heal and prosper! Help them to be uplifted, edified and significant.

We are ONE organism with different cells. In a healthy body, these different cells work together and support each other so the organism can thrive. They are different. They have different functions but their goal IS to keep the organism alive.

We should do no less when it comes to people. For the species to survive we need to co-operate more. Recognize and validate. Help and heal! We need to listen, actually understand and take actions. We need to manage our thoughts, focus our attention on the positive. We need to speak and act positively.

What makes the world a beautiful place? When people are there for each other. When they reach out and uplift. There are so many kind, generous, wonderful people in the world. Let’s focus on that. Spend a moment smiling with someone new today!

Celebrate what is good! Recognize it! Celebrate it! Appreciate it! Validate it! Let’s make it a point to create more of it. We can if we believe we can! We will when we decide we will. Join me. Let’s begin right now. Help each other and celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes


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