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“So many people today chase celebrities, shiny objects, empty suits and possessions instead of being, doing and having ethics, morals, integrity, wisdom, kindness, compassion, love, acceptance and the greatest good for all. Why? Because we’ve been conditioned to want more. We’ve been conditioned to compare and feel bad if we acquire things that make us feel important. They make us backwards.

We want and sacrifice to spend our money to get things that we think will provide status and importance in the eyes of others so we will feel better by being somebody. Marketing and advertisers have appealed to us so they can get us spending more. Thank you Edwin Bernays the father of propaganda or as it became now Public Relations. If you don’t know about him, here’s a Wiki on him.

“considered a pioneer in the field of public relations and propaganda, and referred to in his obituary as “the father of public relations”.[3] His best-known campaigns include a 1929 effort to promote female smoking by branding cigarettes as feminist “Torches of Freedom“, and his work for the United Fruit Company in the 1950s, connected with the CIA-orchestrated overthrow of the democratically elected Guatemalan government in 1954. He worked for dozens of major American corporations, including Procter & Gamble and General Electric, and for government agencies, politicians, and nonprofit organizations.” There’s much more. He was a nephew of Sigmund Freud. Okay, enough history.”

The point is if we become good, we will do good and have good. It is exactly the other way around from what ‘they’ want you to seek. They want you to crave things so much you sacrifice to spend so you can feel better and more important. The problem with this is you miss life sacrificing to become something you already are but don’t recognize. You waste life and miss the importance of things.

Create The Life You Want!

There’s nothing wrong with things but things like people perish. People think things will make them happy and they do temporarily. There’s a brain chemical rush with the new thing BUT the rush wears off and the thing grows old, not unnoticeable and nowadays breaks down faster or is replaceable than ever before. You get the newest phone this month only to want the latest phone next month.

In the USA if not the rest of the world, consumerism is promoted over quality of life. ‘THEY’ want you to think if you only have the right things, you will have a happy life. Well, ask the many, many, many wealthy people who chased things only to discover they aren’t happier. Things weren’t the answer. Some remain miserable but rich. Others learn what it’s about and change. You can too.

No need to be stuck. Although stuck is where ‘they’ want you to remain. You know, ‘work for the man’, spend your money on things and stay broke in that pursuit. BUT you don’t have to. Become the person for whom manifesting positivity and goodness for yourself, and others and you can break free. When you develop and adopt the right mind, you begin to take the right actions.

This makes it easier to get things. The formula is sound. There’s nothing wrong with things. Desire is normal and natural. It’ not the desire to have better that’s wrong. It’s good. The problem is the attachment and sacrifice of the present in pursuit of a future that doesn’t arrive and is left unfulfilled. Ask a rich person if they prefer riches to lack and they’ll say riches. I do too.

Create The Life You Want!

There’s nothing wrong with riches. It’s natural and normal. ‘They’ don’t want it for you. They need you to be a stuck workforce buying their goods so they can remain rich. There’s plenty of money for everyone all around the world. The issue isn’t lack. The issue is access. Restricted access, cartel like practices and intentional scarcity drives demand and pricing.

If everyone wants it or needs it, likely you will too. It’s conditioning. It’s mindset, but we can change it, you and me. We need not suffer. There’s plenty of goodness. My work has been and is to connect you up with the resources needed to liberate yourself from this hamster wheel and create the life you want and deserve. That includes the things you desire.

Most of my life is spent helping people find inner resourcefulness, possibilities and opportunities so they can discover and use them. From within to without. BE DO HAVE. When you’re thinking right and you BE it first, your feelings and actions align. Things get easier because of WHO you are not because of what you try and do. I repeat. Things get easier because of WHO you are not! For no other reason.

They want you to work hard and sacrifice your family time, leisure and life to buy something else. I want you to be able to buy something else without all the sacrifice. You should enjoy life now while you acquire things. Get it? Who you are determines how easily you move through the world and navigate difficulty if you do. Most of us do. WHO you are. It isn’t what you do.

Create The Life You Want!

Become it and everything else falls into place. I show and share with you how to become it with less effort and more delight so that you live your life the same way. Less effort. More delight. Certainly, you could work really, really hard if you don’t know better. My message is you can have it all when you become the kind of person for whom having it all is delightful and effortless.

Does this mean there’s no effort? No. It means far less effort, but you still need to be in charge. The difference is I help you take charge of you. Others want you to work hard and do lots of things to get stuff, so you become better. Be better first and everything else becomes better. Join me so I can assist you. No one can do it for you though many will claim that. It’s a lie.

You must do it but the rewards are yours. You own it then. It’s not that difficult but ‘they’ want you distracted so you never discover this. They mislead you so you can’t or don’t find yourself. I want you to know you are already everything you seek. The conditioning hides it, but you are incredible. Let me help you discover the real you who is more than capable of having an incredible life.

There’s no need to worry about lack and restriction when you are creating from the abundance within and around you. Live life on your terms. Create the life you want. When you realize it is from within you that you create the outer world everything changes. When you ARE it you naturally do it and there’s no struggle or sacrifice. When you ARE it, IT is available to you.There’s a huge secret in the next sentence that’s always there to help you AND it’s so powerful. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

If you’d like valuable help to live Life On Your Terms: Create The Life You Want get your copy today!  It is a life changer! Book and Bonus!

“This may be the wisest, more realistic, and most helpful book I’ve come across.  I’ve been a self-help book addict for at least five decades, and I’ve read many of the greats.  This is up there with the greats and maybe beyond.  Besides extraordinary insights, the style is accessible and compelling.  I loved LIFE ON YOUR TERMS. Buy it!” Mitzi Perdue – Author, Entrepreneur (Perdue Chicken)

“Rex, I love your book! I just want to say thank you for who you are and how you are showing up and particularly for ‘Life On Your Terms.’ It is a powerful book that impacted me and people I have shared it with. They call me and say, ‘thank you!’ And I say, ‘thank Rex because he is a bad dude up in here, up in here.” Les Brown – Speaker

“Rex is absolutely brilliant and transparent. My go-to book for those I mentor who want to be happy and successful with their lives as they choose.” – Fred Van Lieu ‘The Water Doctor,’ Author

“One of the most transformative books I’ve ever read. This book is amazing! Rex provides a blueprint of simple tools that anyone can use to achieve what you desire. There are so many books out that claim to show you how to create the life you desire but end up being disappointing. This book actually does what it says. No frills. No New Age jargon. Just down-to-earth methods that work when you work them. It really is a breath of fresh air!” Ron Matthews – Physicist 

“Rex Sikes book ‘Life On Your Terms’ is truly, truly the ‘Think And Grow Rich’ of the 21st Century.” Dr. Jo Dee Nylander-Baer – Health Coach

Get the book. Change your life using the principles and practices. Check it out now. Read it, enjoy it, and transform. Transform yourself and how you think, feel and behave to get Celebrate!


Randy Meyers, Real Estate Investor & Automotive Business Owner

©2020 Book Cover Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

©2021 Infographic Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

@2023 Blog Article Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

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