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“‘Stop flirting with the one you renounced.’ is one of my favorite lines from Elsie Benedict’s book. I love lines like this because they contain so much power that many people miss it. They quote the obvious ones but miss the hidden gems. This is a truly powerful example. If you have ended a relationship, then stop flirting with the person you broke it off with. Stop entertaining or encouraging.

Do you get this? If you are done with poverty, poor health, unhappiness, doubts, worry, fears, anger and negativity then stop giving energy to those thoughts. Stop entertaining them. Stop letting them creep back in. Stop encouraging them by giving them your time and recognition. Cut them off and put your focus on the new. Put an end to the old. Let it go. Drop it. Do something different. Shift focus!

Stop giving credence to the disability, or the lack, or the insecurity, or the anxiety, or the fear, or the doubt that you’ve renounced, that you don’t want, and that you are shifting away from. Stop telling yourself the same woeful stories. Stop the critical and abusive self-talk that you let run rampant whenever things go awry. If you always do what you always did you will always get what you got.

THE PAST DOES NOT EQUAL THE FUTURE BUT ONLY IF YOU STOP PERPETUATING THE PAST! When you drop it, stop it, and let it go, and then think, feel, speak and do new things then you are free to have new and different results. OTHERWISE, you keep repeating the same old stuff. You keep getting the same BS because you keep entertaining and encouraging the same old BS. STOP FLIRTING!

Shift from the negative to the positive. Stop flirting with the negative. Stop entertaining it. Cut it off in the same way you would if you don’t want someone bothering you. The suitor you ended the relationship with. To let the negative thoughts in is to give them your attention. Little attention or big attention doesn’t matter. Energy flows where your attention goes. What you focus on expands.

Stop resuscitating those negative thoughts, words, feelings, and behaviors. Stop! Stop! Stop! AND be different! IF you don’t want someone bothering you DO not encourage them. Don’t flirt with them. Put your attention on what you want to expand. Put it on the good, the kind, the abundant, the loving, the peaceful, the fun, delightful… get it? Encourage and nurture what you want to grow. Get it? Get it?

Here’s an important point. What happens if you stop watering your plants? They wither and die. What happens if you cut off the power supply to your toaster? It doesn’t work. If you JUST STOP entertaining, nurturing and encouraging the thoughts, feelings, speech and behaviors you don’t want WHAT will happen. They will wither away. STOP perpetuating them. Stop giving them energy. Get this!

Interrupt the pattern. Dance, sing, shake, run, jump, shout DO ANYTHING ELSE! Stop perpetuating the old. Stop, drop and roll puts out the flame. Running fans the flames. STOP! DROP! ROLL. Stop feeding the negative energy. Stop the negative thoughts and feelings. Take a deep breath. Jump up and down. Get it. Interrupt the pattern. Stop it. DROP! Laugh, dance, shake… ROLL. Notice> Interrupt> Shift!

I built this into my work more than 40 years ago. It’s part of Mind Design™ and The Attitude Activator™ which helps you easily learn this process. It helps you wire it in through mental rehearsal while you relax. When you are in alpha and theta you reprogram your subconscious and retrain your conscious. Awareness means you notice. Stop the old behavior. Interrupt it. Shift to new wanted ones.

Oftentimes gurus tell you to cut off the naysayers, the Debbie and Donnie Downers, those who rain on your parade. Don’t let these and other energy vampires have their way with you. Okay, fine. Fair enough. I have plenty to say about this now and at another time. FOR NOW, I agree. Cut off anyone who says you can’t do it. Stop listening. Stop entertaining their negative messages. Stop nurturing!

Who is the worst naysayer and energy vampire around? It is you! Stop being critical of yourself. Stop nagging and yelling and abusing yourself. Stop raining on your own parade. Instead, be kind and gentle. Be encouraging and inspiring. Love and accept yourself. Stop the voices of doubt, worry, fear, anxiety, sadness, anger and worse. STOP STOP STOP. Transform yourself. Renew yourself!

Whenever you focus on the less-than-glorious you give it energy. You are watering it and caring for it. You are growing those seeds. Stop. Withdraw the attention. ONLY grow the seeds you WANT and intend to grow that are good for you and others. Become a victor instead of a victim of your own mind. So often, we think some other person is causing the problem when really that other person is YOU!

Get your energy working for you and in the direction that befits you and others. If you keep doing what you are doing that isn’t working WHY WOULD YOU EVER think that suddenly it would just one day work? Stop perpetuating the old and begin perpetuating the new. Energy flows where your attention goes. Keep it on the good, the better and the best. Get it? I’m always here to help and coach when you are ready. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes


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©2021 Infographic Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment LLC

©2023 Blog Article Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment LLC

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