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“Do you want to know the secret to create more wealth and enjoy a life worth living? Would you like to be happier, healthier, have more loving relationships and be spending your time doing what you’d like to be doing? Here is the secret but it will require you to change some of your thinking. It will mean leaving your childhood default conditioning and programming in something new.

Do you want to get rich? Then stop wanting money! Your subconscious doesn’t know a dollar from a penny, nor does it care. Your brain knows nothing about money! Consciously, you do. So, you desire it. What you are desiring is meaningless to your subconscious. It has no understanding of piles of paper or digits on a screen. Your subconscious is a feeling mechanism driven by passion and feeling.

Consciously, you understand money logically because money is an idea. It’s the symbol for exchanging value. You think you want money, but you don’t. You want what money BRINGS you. You want the benefits of having money. That is what you truly want. It’s the same with things. Yes, a great car is nice, but it isn’t just the car you want. You want most how that car makes you FEEL.


It’s not the money or the thing but the feeling and the satisfaction. It’s the way it makes you feel. We say this about people. We say, ‘you make me feel so good.’ ‘I love how I feel when I am with you.’ So, we want the person because of how we feel. We want money and things because it’s how we feel. BUT get this. When you lack money and want it you don’t feel good. You feel broke and desperate.

That’s what your brain feels. The more you focus on what you lack, the worse you feel. Feeling lack and beat down doesn’t bring you happiness or riches. Understand? So, what will help you get the money you desire to live your life the way you’d like? You already have it. You have it within you. Your deepest inward purpose or passion is what will make you rich. Society wants you to focus on money.

That’s the great deception. That’s the big lie. They distract you and keep you down by reminding you that you’re not enough. You work for a minimum and struggle and scrape to collect enough coin to manage to get by. It’s a means of control. The haves get more, the have nots end up giving what little they have to the haves. Money exchanges hands. Flow makes the economy go. Use it or lose it.


Money is intangible. It’s the great distraction. We’re told to focus on it in our jobs and pay our bills. Daily we get reports on the economy. Why? How does that serve you? While it can be good to be informed, what is it really informing you about? Mostly, times are tough. It’s a scam. There’s more than enough money in the world. After all, it’s a symbol. They print it when they want it.

It’s credit. Electronic digits. It’s all designed to make us slaves to the system. Not all of it is bad but it is used to condition and control us. These mental habits are what cause people to live how they live. If you change your conditioning and develop new, positive mental habits you can escape some of the societal controls while remaining part of the society. You can transcend lack and greed.

People are raised with money issues. We envy what we don’t have and resent those who do. We’re led down a rabbit hole to focus on cash instead of focusing on our passion and how we can improve the world. To leave poverty behind we must change our attitude about ourselves, wealth and what is possible. We must look at something besides a symbol that means nothing to our mind. Get it?


You must shift from a meaningless symbol to the feelings that are most meaningful to you. Like that person who ‘makes you feel really special when you’re together’ you must begin to feel those feelings to become successful and get what you want. When you’re with that person you’d do nearly anything to stay with them. To include them. You think about them day and night. You’re in love! It’s a feeling!!

Get this and you will understand the key. You obsess over the person who makes you feel so good, and you wrap your lifestyle around that person. Am I right? You want to do a similar thing regarding wealth. Stop focusing on ‘money’ and focus your mind elsewhere. Now understand the following. White-hot obsession leads to success. What is driving you? What is your greatest desire?

What is your authentic, true purpose? What must you fulfill to be fulfilled? What do you love the most and feel the most strongly about? Clarify this. Get clear on this. Get definite about this because THIS is what leads to money. Pursue your passion and the money follows. Pursue money and it will remain evasive. Pursuing your passion brings you energy! It isn’t the money you want. DO you understand?


It’s what money brings to you. It is the greater value or benefit you want from having money. Get this! Think about it! In the USA the measure of a person’s value is their net worth. We equate success with how much money a person has. That’s the high bar for success and worthiness in the U.S. and much of the world BUT it’s truly meaningless and shallow. Money doesn’t make the person!

It isn’t how successfully the person lives, how good the person is, how s/he treats others, how s/he contributes, whether s/he is honest or not, whether the person has integrity. It isn’t even about how happy the person is or the loving family and relationships the person has. Wealth is calculated by the accumulation of trinkets and baubles. You don’t love paper or metal. You love what that represents.

They have you chase money, hate money, fear poverty, rather than suggest you fill your life with joy and wonderful relationships. People are so distracted from their true wealth by pursuing wealth on paper they miss getting rich in life and in pocketbooks. There are people around the world who are better people and have better lives and they are dirt poor. TO be rich is to find what enriches you.


Then, money will follow. So many rich people are unhappy and lonely with piles of cash and every form of distraction you could imagine. Why is that? Neither money nor things fulfill you! When you’re fulfilled AND not attached to having money THEN all the money and things can come to you. This is the secret. Pursue your passion. Make it big and help others. Be unattached and you can have it.

You get it when you can let go. Shift your focus from money to the benefits. What do you want? AND as Zig Ziglar pointed out, ‘you can have anything you want if you help others get what they want.’ Shift from paper to your passion. How can you help improve the lives of those around you and the world? Think bigger than cash. Seek to fulfill and be fulfilled. Seek to add value. Seek to benefit all.

Stop thinking having money means you are successful. Become successful within and you can use money to benefit you and others more easily. Society wants you to strive for money to keep society working. That’s why the define success by how much someone has. Well, look at all the idiots, horrible people and unhappy people with money. Stop defining yourself by their standards.


Stop clinging to cash. Let go and discover your true wealth. That includes money but isn’t restricted to money. Don’t end up with lots of meaningless things, unfulfilled. Too many do because they pursue the wrong things. Make it about adding value and benefits to you and others and you’ll transform yourself, your life and help transform the world. Get it? More next time. Meanwhile, begin this and celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes


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©2021 Infographic Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment LLC

©2023 Blog Article Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment LLC

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