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“Success is the crossroad where luck and preparation meet. Actors know the value of rehearsing their lines and movements. Use your imagination to visualize things going the way you want. Rehearse. Walk it though. Correct, repeated practice leads to favorable outcomes. Stay focused on what you want. Run contingency plans in case it doesn’t go as you hope. That is why we have fire drills. So you know what to do if an emergency occurs.

Be prepared. To enjoy enduring success, one must travel in advance of the world. Rehearsal prepares you. The better and more you practice and rehearse the more prepared for anything you will be. Practice flexibility. Practice deciding when pressured. Practice remaining calm in crisis. Practice and practice is how you get to Carnegie Hall.

Most people THINK they communicate well because they speak and hear. Good communication means paying attention and respect. If you want others to listen, listen first. Listen to learn and understand not to correct. Respect them and don’t interrupt. Allow them to express themself without judgement or getting angry. Seek to understand. Be on their side to uncover issues and resolve difficulties. BE a team not the opposition.


It’s most effective to discuss while strolling side by side instead of sitting opposite. Movement encourages mental flexibility. Seek to understand from their point of view. Appreciate their beliefs and values. Accept who they are. Don’t try to change. Don’t blame. Seek understanding, agreement. Keep your purpose in mind. Why did I switch to communicating? Because you must be able to listen and communicate clearly and succinctly at all times.

The better you communicate, the more understanding you generate between parties the more trust you generate. This is always important, but especially in crisis. When things are in chaos it is of immense help for someone to remain calm and collected, an inspiring reassuring presence who can clearly say what needs to be done and by who and how. When everything seems to be going wrong someone needs to be doing something right. Clear head. To the point, clear instructions matter. That’s what is needed. Take the time to learn how. Transform yourself by the renewing of your mind. Lead with heart. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

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©2021 Infographic Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

©2023 Blog Article Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

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