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“To keep their attitude activated and positive, happy successful people get inspired and stay inspired. This is important. You get inspired and stay inspired by what you say to yourself and imagine yourself as. If you think you are happy and successful, you are. Certainly, more so than if you think you aren’t. How do happy successful people stay that way? They manage their attitude. They activate it. They smile, laugh, breathe and let go.

AND they read inspirational material daily. Entrepreneurs and successful businesspeople surround themselves with posters and mottos. They read. They listen to audios that keep them uplifted. They fill their minds with positive messages. They understand the importance of a good, strong, healthy mindset. They look for what is good and inspiring. They seek it. They validate and affirm it. They surround themselves in positivity.

Attitude is everything. When you fill your mind consistently with high quality inspiring thoughts you feel better. When you feel better you look better. You naturally smile and laugh more. You are more relaxed. You are better equipped to handle any setback or disappointments that come your way. Positive Thinking is solution focused thinking. Positive thinking is not fantasy thinking. It is realistic thinking. Positive thinking is about possibility.


It’s the ability to find your resourcefulness and apply it to any situation while expecting the best outcome. You work to find the best solution. You maintain a powerful frame of mind. You think about what the outcome can be and what you can do that works instead of focusing on what is wrong or what might prevent you. You seek a way around the impasse knowing you can get through it. You don’t quit because things get tough. You trust yourself.

Since you are solution oriented you naturally expect the best outcome, whatever that may be. It’s not wishful thinking. Positive Thinking is the application of strong thoughts about what you can and will accomplish and how. When you keep your mind inspired and positive you can achieve more. You aren’t hampered or depressed or stressed out by the circumstances. You understand this is an opportunity to think and do things in a new way.

Many happy successful people meditate, visualize and are truly grateful. Meditate. There are many ways to meditate. Close your eyes and listen, simply listen. Do nothing else. Pay attention to or feel your breath. Visualize relaxing in a wonderful place outdoors. Pick your favorite natural spot. Enlist all five senses and enjoy the peace and tranquility this brings. You can repeat a mantra, a power word or a meaningful phrase to yourself.


State an affirmation again and again. Manage your self-talk. Only say positive things to yourself in a positive voice. Alternatively, watch your thoughts come and go as an unbiased observer would, without judgement. Watch them drift off like leaves floating downstream. Discover which form of mediating you prefer most by trying many. Take a minute or five whenever you are able. A good practice is to aside a specific time to meditate each day.

You can do so for a few moments or an hour. It is up to you. Visualize your goals as if you have already accomplished them. Since you made them happen, see what you did to bring them about? Notice how you overcame any challenge or disappointment. Especially notice and FEEL the wonderful feelings of having what you wanted, of making it your own and bask in these feelings. Enjoy these. Feel grateful. Keep a journal.

Visualize what you feel grateful for. Express your appreciation for yourself, others, events, situations and circumstances in your life. Be grateful for what you have done and what you have. Acknowledge others and be appreciative. Express your thanks. Live in celebration and abundance. The more you appreciate the more you find to appreciate. Or, appreciation, appreciates. Get it. Enjoy feeling good about yourself, others and life. Life more fully. Make your moments magical, memorable, miraculous and magnificent. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes


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©2021 Infographic Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

©2024 Blog Article Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

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