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“Would you like more energy to get through your day? Can you imagine feeling more wonderful more frequently? What if you were to live with more passion and enjoyment wouldn’t that be marvelous? Well, you can! You can grab hold of life and give it a good squeeze. You can go for the gusto and smile, laugh, delight and live more energetically. Here’s the thing. YOU ARE ENERGY! It is not that you don’t have enough.

It is about energy management. Most people lose energy because of how they live their lives. What you do and how you do it matters. In the decades I have been leading workshops and seminars I have had thousands of people demonstrate this to themselves time and time again. You can take hold of your thoughts, feelings and your experience and make it more of what you want it to be. Energy comes from how you use your mind.

How you use your mind is critical to how you feel and what you do. When you think sluggish you  will feel sluggish. You ur thoughts control your reality. Little things you think repeatedly (not just the big negative things) can drain you of happiness and energy. So you want to think your very best to feel your very best. You become and get what you focus on.


If you repeatedly think negative, defeatist, thoughts you don’t feel up and filled with energy. To feel better now you need to take charge of your thoughts! If you think thoughts of sadness and despair you aren’t going to feel upbeat and jovial. If you think thoughts of anger and rage you aren’t going to feel calm, relaxed and peaceful. What you do matters. Your thoughts affect how you feel. How you feel affects how you think and feel.

It’s a loop. Your thoughts affect your feelings and those feeling affect your next thoughts and on and on. If you want to feel your best you want to think your best. If you think, ‘gosh I am tired. I don’t have enough energy.’ You will prove it true. It is a self-fulfilling prophecy. Get it? If you think, ‘I feel amazing. I feel happy and loved. I feel delighted and enthused about…’ You’ll begin feeling it too. Energy  comes from how you use your body.

There’s a lot of documented research proving how you feel affects how and what you think. How you move and use your body affects how you think. In my workshops I provide many demonstrations and exercises proving these points to individuals just like you. Sadly, some people just won’t change until they get the proof that it is worthwhile. Most of them never get it so they miss out.


Here’s one study published in the ‘Journal of Behavioral Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry.’ Researchers found that subjects felt worse and remembered more negative things and fewer positive things when they walked slouched over, shoulders hunched and didn’t move their arms much. This is how people typically walk when sad or depressed. Posture matters. Why do you suppose military stand at attention?

Why do you suppose it is called at ‘attention!’  When you stand and walk tall you feel better. People physically AND emotionally felt better with spring in their step, pep, shoulders back and their chin up. They felt better. They thought better. They thought and felt more positive. When you straighten your spine, pull your shoulders back and put your chin up you use your muscles differently AND you breathe differently. Move, move well.

When people are stuck it implies no movement or caught in a repetitive loop. That loop can be mental or physical or both mental, physical AND emotional. To change you must change something you are repeatedly doing. You must do things differently. If you always do the same thing again and agin you’ll always get the same results you always got. Want it different? Be different. Change things. Do things differently. Know this.


You feel better when you stand and walk taller. So, when you want to feel better move and walk with more energy and you will begin to feel that way. THEN keep at it.  Don’t return to slouching. Continue to walk feeling great! Think how soldiers march. They exude determination and confidence. They wouldn’t if they hunched and slouched over. They learn to command and demand themselves to feel better. They must rise to the occasion.

They train to have energy and commitment and keep going because for them it may be a life and death matter. They learn how to charge themselves up and draw on their reserves when it is needed. You too can do this. You can have more energy. In the next blog I’ll share how you can have 2 times more energy right now. I’ve spent decades sharing this in my live workshops and online programs. Next blog I’ll share that and more with you. Meanwhile do this a few more times. Commit to doing it every day. Do it multiple times a day. Spend time learning to make it a habit and benefiting from doing it. You did it. Do it again. Celebrate everything! Rex Sikes

To help you I developed the Attitude Activator™  If you want immediate help to think, feel, act and get better results?  Get the Attitude Activator™ today!

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©2021 Infographic Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

©2024 Blog Article Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

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